Lab Rats

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The time spent in the laboratory only became increasingly awkward. As soon as we were inside and away from any possible onlookers, I reached for Sherlock's face only for him to flinch away.

"I'm sorry," I said under my breath before backing up to stand beside John as the detective stared at me as though he was searching my very soul.

Once broken of his trance, Sherlock created and placed a slide onto the microscope before inspecting it thoroughly.

"Are they trying to trace the call?" John asked.

"No, he's too smart for that. Hand me my phone," the detective responded.

I went to grab it for him but immediately thought better of it and instead retreated yet again to watch the screen flash failed results of a match for the slide Sherlock was inspecting. John rolled his eyes and reached into his pocket for the phone before reading it.

"Text from your brother," he informed.

"Delete it."

"Delete it?" John questioned

"Missile plans are out of the country by now. There's nothing we can do about it."

"Mycroft thinks there is. He's texted you 8 times," the soldier replied.

My text alert went off, drawing the two men's attention to me as I went to check it.

"He's texting me too. I should go," I stated, glancing between the two.

"No," Sherlock said curtly.

"No?" I questioned.

"Moriarty," he said, never taking his eyes off of the microscope.

"So now you care?" I replied, shooting an accusing glare at the detective.

I shook my head in disbelief before rereading Mycroft's text which consisted of a question as to if I had managed to find anything on the case of Andrew West's death.

"Might be important," John said.

"Then why didn't he cancel his dental appointment?" Sherlock retorted.

"He never texts when he can call," I added quietly.

"Andrew West stole the missile plans, tried to sell them, and got his head smashed in for it. End of story."

"If it were that easy why would Mycroft come to you?" I questioned, to which John nodded in agreement.

"The only mystery is why are you and my brother are so determined to bore me when somebody else is being so delightfully interesting."

His rudeness made my blood run cold and he turned to face me. His mouth started to open as though he was going to speak but apparently he thought better of it because he quickly turned back around.

"Try and remember there is a woman here who might die," John sighed.

"What for? This hospital is full of people dying, Doctor. Why don't you go and cry by their bedside and see what good it does them."

"Sherlock," I warned as John stared at the man in disbelief.

Before anyone could speak, the system managed to find a match just as Molly burst through the door seeming more bubbly than usual.

"Any luck?" she questioned.

I watched on quietly as the two looked over the results, but my eyes went wide when Moriarty came through the door.

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