Another Late Night

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After staring tirelessly at the crime scene with Sherlock, I decided that I was no longer needed when the detective asked for John's input before explaining it all himself. Knowing that Sherlock would end up rushing off somewhere without warning, I chose to hail a taxi and head back to my flat. Echo was surely becoming restless by now and had quite possibly destroyed the furniture.

As the cabbie drove me home, I thought of the woman in pink and considered who could have murdered people at random with such ease. With monsters it was much easier, as they often left clues or witnesses. Unfortunately, I had the gut feeling that this was not something supernatural. After mindlessly paying the driver and making my way to the door, I considered calling Cas for assistance in this merely to get it over with, however; I discarded the idea based on the assumption that Sherlock would not be pleased if I had a celestial wavelength solve his case for him.

"Echo," I called as I lugged my tired body up the staircase.

The moment the door opened, the husky's large head peeked around the catch before the rest of her body followed. There was no time to prepare myself as the dog leapt into me like a small boulder, nearly knocking me off my feet. My hand absentmindedly rubbed her head as I contemplated possible serial killers once again.

"Who would be able to pick someone out in a crowd and grab them without raising suspicion," I asked aloud.

Eclipse merely tilted her head quizzically, her tongue lolling out of the side of her mouth which brought a smile to my lips. Feeling uneasy, I retrieved Eclipse's silver leash and collar from the hall closet before attaching them to her. The canine trotted along happily beside me as we left the flat. Directly after closing the door to the building, I ran into my neighbors as they did the same.

"Sherlock, John," I greeted.

"Good evening Emily," John responded.

"There's a serial killer romping around and you're taking your dog for a walk in the dark?" Sherlock questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"You're going out too," I pointed out.

"Yes, to dinner," he responded, making me giggle slightly as I looked between him and the shorter man.

"No, not a date," John added defensively as I laughed.

"We will be waiting there for the killer. I recommend you stay clear of the area near the gardens, or better yet, stay home," Sherlock said coldly, his tone nearly angry.

Selfless | SherlockDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora