Old Friends

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My breath caught in my throat as I took in the sight before me. Standing in the doorway was Sam Winchester, donning a flannel and covered in blood as usual.

"Christo," I said monotonously, watching for the flinch that would signify the presence of a demon.

He stood still and pulled out a bottle of holy water as well as a dagger, splashing the water on the both of us as a test before cutting a thin line on his arm to prove that he was in fact, Sam Winchester. Instinctively, I grabbed his uncut arm and dragged him inside, shutting and locking the door behind him as Echo trotted over happily to greet the guest.

"Hey," I said softly, taking in his bedraggled appearance.

The deep blue rings under his eyes spoke volumes of his current sleeping pattern, or lack of and his body screamed 'exhausted' as it swayed. I tensed in preparation, knowing if he fell I could only slow his fall as he was much to large for me to catch.

"Hey Abby," he responded, his voice nearly a croak.

"Call me Emily alright? When's the last time you slept, you look like shit!" I exclaimed, placing a hand on his cheek gently and taking in his reaction.

I watched as the rugged man relaxed at my touch, his face softening and strands of his brunette hair falling into his face as he tilted it down.

"I miss them too Sammy," I said softly, pulling him into a comforting embrace for a moment to just hold him.

He immediately returned the gesture and wrapped his arms around me as we enjoyed each other's presence for a moment before I pulled away to make up another plate of food.

"You're just in time," I smiled, gesturing to my usual seat at the table as I knew John would be at his girlfriend's house for the night.

Before he sat down, I ushered him to the sink to wash his hands and made him remove the bloody flannel, leaving him in a loose fitting grey shirt. His expression remained guarded as he noted the third plate at the table that would belong to Sherlock.

"Husband?" he questioned carefully, tensing as the sound of the bathroom door opening signaled Sherlock's entrance.

After placing the plate in front of Sam, I went to explain to the detective.

"Hey Sherlock, come with me for a second?" I asked as Echo sat beside the Winchester and placed a paw on his ridiculously long leg to beg for a taste of food.

The detective's eyes narrowed but his expression remained stoic as it normally did around people. It only took a small smile from me to convince him to walk towards his room with me.

"He's back," he noted before I could speak.

"He'll be staying at my flat for as long as necessary. I wasn't home so he came here," I informed before planting a kiss on his cheek and walking back towards the kitchen.

"Please, be nice," I added as we entered.

Sam's eyes landed on Sherlock immediately and narrowed, but his gaze softened when it reached me. I gave Sherlock's hand a small squeeze before steering him over to sit at the table and sitting down beside Sam.

"I'm sorry for not warning you I was coming," Sam said, shooting me a lopsided smile that did not reach his eyes.

"Sammy you always show up on my doorstep unannounced, and more often than not covered in blood. Don't worry about it," I laughed, thinking back to some of the most memorable times he and Dean had barged into my small apartment.

Sherlock tilted his head thoughtfully as Sam and I carried on light conversation of my role here in London as well as Sherlock's. I could only hope the detective would not deduce him as heartlessly aloud as he had to others previously.

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