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The next morning I awoke earlier than Sherlock, and regrettably had to leave the flat in order to return to my own. I was determined to be at the asylum at the time that Mr. Jones had specified: 6am. My legs dragged along the carpet of my room as I tiredly stripped and redressed into simple clothes which my hospital scrubs soon covered. Still rubbing sleep from my eyes, I filled Echo's food dish before going outside to start up my car.

The engine hummed to life in the cold morning air, allowing the heater to warm up as the minutes passed. Once I was sure the engine was heated enough, I began the somewhat tedious drive to the asylum while a song played quietly through the radio. When the asylum came into view, I received a text. Despite my curiosity, I parked in the staff lot before checking my cell phone.

Are you safe?


I let out a sigh as I realized that he had not been made aware of my call into work. Guilt washed over me as I remembered I had left him alone without a word.

Yes. I was needed at the asylum,

I'm sorry I didn't tell you.


After verifying that the message had been sent, I exited the car and embraced the chilled morning air. When I entered the building, I felt a slight twinge of dread but quickly pushed it away. As soon as I arrived, my boss and my friend Olson greeted me.

"Good morning. There has been an unusual case. A man arrived here looking for you, but he seems to have come from America according to the records. He is in obvious need of psychiatric help, I would like you to take him up as your patient."

My mind reeled as I thought of anyone in America who would manage to get themselves into an asylum, but unfortunately the list was all too long. As Olson led me to the patient's room, I was fully prepared to see one of the Winchesters. The sight I was greeted with however; was one I should have expected.

In the room sat Castiel who stared blankly at the wall. Despite his previous nonchalant behavior, the angel grew a grin when he caught sight of me.

"Who is he?" Olson pried.

"Not a clue," I sighed, pushing him out and shutting the door.

"Cas! Why are you here?" I questioned, turning my gaze back to the angel only to find empty space in the place he once sat.

"Great!" I muttered, flopping onto the bed and pulling out my phone to send both Winchester brothers a text.

I found the angel. He

showed up at the asylum.


"Aren't they wonderful?"

Castiel's voice and sudden reappearance startled me, causing my phone to clatter to the floor. When I looked over at him, he had some sort of golden sticky sap on both of his arms.

"Is that honey?" I asked gently, hoping to gain some answers from the frazzled seraph.

"Yes, it makes the bees more open to my company. They're quite beautiful," he hiccuped, as though drunk.


"Not as beautiful as you though. You're very pretty," he said, matter of factly.

I sighed in defeat and patted the spot on the mattress beside me.

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