A Case

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The next morning, I woke up curled up against Sherlock's side and let out a childish giggle when I realized that his shirt had been removed at some point the night before. After the kiss, we had ended up awkwardly cuddling in silence while watching Netflix until we fell asleep, allowing me the glorious sight of a shirtless Sherlock in the morning.

"Good morning," he drawled uncertainly, already awake and seemingly confused.

"Morning," I yawned, burrowing my face into his warm shoulder.

His hand reached towards my hair for a moment but he seemed to think better of it and shift his weight so that he could look down at me. It took everything in me not to stare at his body as I glanced up at him quizzically.

"But you're warm" I whined childishly as he stared down at me emotionlessly.

When the staring continued for a solid minute, I chose to break the silence.

"What's wrong?" I asked gently.

I moved to unravel our bodies and sit beside him but his arm held me in place as his ocean eyes bore into me.

"I don't know how to do this," he groaned sheepishly before leaning down to carefully join our lips once again.

When we parted, I took a quick breath and smiled up at him only for him to spew out an obviously carefully calculated question.

"I figure this may go without saying, but since you seem close with that angel I figure I should ask. Will you be my girlfriend?"

For a moment I gawked at him, wondering how he might have guessed that Castiel and I had a bit of history. Since it had never been a serious relationship, I was curious as to how the detective was able to figure it out. I thought I had been so careful to not show any signs of previous romantic encounters with the Seraph.

When I realized that he was still waiting for an answer, I grinned sheepishly at him.

"Of course, but I have to know. How did you know about Cas?"

"You weren't the one who gave it away. I assume that it was a merely physical relationship but from the way he looks at you, he wanted more, however; when he told you that, you broke it off," the detective said, sounding quite angry at the thought.

"Damn," I whispered, shaking my head before resting it on his chest.

"Well, this will be the one area you may be more experienced than me in, Emily," he noted, smirking down at me with a hint of embarrassment in his voice.

A knowing smile made its way onto my face and I reached up to run my hands through his hair before tugging slightly. The action elicited a slight groan from Sherlock as I leaned forward so that my lips grazed his ear.

"Sounds fun," I smirked as he shivered.

I planted a light kiss to his forehead before rolling out of bed to grab breakfast, leaving Sherlock in a bit of a daze. My smile never faded as I poured myself a bowl of cereal before shouting a question to Sherlock, only for him to appear in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Sure," he said in response to my unasked question.

I nodded and poured the cereal into a second bowl for him before pouring food into Echo's bowl, making her come bounding from my room.

"You both come when you hear food," I laughed, grinning up at Sherlock as he poured milk into both of our bowls and retrieved two spoons.

The detective chuckled lightly at the comparison and shook his head in disbelief before holding a bowl out to me. I very obviously checked him out as he still lacked a shirt, which made him smirk at me knowingly and stand comfortable under my watchful gaze.

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