Moving Out

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"Y/N..." Your father called out to you as you walked into the living room, motioning for you to come and sit down. You move over to the chair across from him, unaware of what was going on. "I have to tell you something very important."

"What is it, Dad?"

"(Y/N), you're going to be moving out."

"W-what?! I don't have a place to stay! Plus, I'm only 18!" You say, at the brink of tears. Your father and you had such a great relationship, why'd he just want to throw you away?!

"(Y/N), I know, I know. The church has reached out to us and told us that God wants you to do this. They recieved instructions from him and you'll be staying in a mansion with a few others." He explained. You never believed in God. You didn't think he was real, and you never would. The only reason that you went to church is because your family wanted you to, and by all means, if God gave orders regarding you, they'd do anything they could to follow through.

"B-but dad..."

"Sweetie, I know. I don't want you to go away either, but this is for God..." He said, getting up and pulling you into a hug as you let a tear roll down your cheek. You didn't want to leave! It's not fair that they're just going to throw you away like that! Your parents had always been obsessed with religion, to a pretty unhealthy degree. In fact, you're convinced that if God told your parents to kill you, they would. 'Maybe this won't be such a bad thing in that case...' You thought to yourself. You were wrong... oh... so wrong...

You'd packed your bags a few hours ago, and you were saying goodbye to your family as you left and placed all of your bags in the car. You put in your earbuds and started to listen to your music, hoping to calm your nerves. After what seemed like forever, you noticed that you were in the middle of nowhere. You pulled out your earbuds as you begun to see a giant mansion appear, and you stared at in in awe as the car stopped. You put your earbuds in your bag and you quickly grabbed it and got out of the car, placing your phone in your bag as well as you watch the driver drive off, leaving you in front of the mansion. You sighed and started to walk up to the mansion, rain suddenly falling. You rushed up the steps and knocked on the door, eventually seeing a man wearing glasses open it and look at you.

"Come in." He said, and you felt a chill run down your back as he spoke. His voice was eerie and haunting. You did as he said and smiled at him before introducing yourself.

"I'm (Y/N) (Y/Last/N) and I was told that I'd be living here from now on." You said, trying to stay as positive as you could, considering your parents practically just threw you away in the name of God and you ended up at a creepy mansion with boys. 'What if there are no other girls?! What'll they do to me here?!' You thought, beggining to panic slightly. The boy in the glasses made a remark about someone taking your bags up to your room. you were confused, because no one was there, but then a butler appeared and grabbed your bag, causing you to jump. He backed away into the shadows, and 'glasses' told you to follow him. You went up the stairs, and he called everyone to the room. Eventually the room had 6 boys, and two girls other than yourself. You were the third girl in the house, and you felt somewhat better, but still weary. One of them seemed vaugely familiar to you, and as you took a closer look, you gasped in shock.

"Yui!" You called out, running up to her and wrapping your arms around her.

"(Y/N)!" She smiled as she hugged you back. "Oh my goodness! It's been forever since I last saw you! How've you been? How's your family?"

"I've been okay and so has my family. Ah, it feels like we haven't seen eachother since we were 7!" You chuckled. You heard someone clear their throat behind you, and you saw glasses glaring at you. You sat next to Yui, slightly intimidated by him, and someone scoffed. You turned to look at who scoffed at you, and you saw a boy who obviously can't tie a tie, considering it was around his neck incorrectly. You turned back to glasses, and he begun introductions.

"Everyone, this is (Y/N) (Y/Last/N), and she will be living with us from now on. You all know the drill. Introduce yourselves." You saw a white haired boy look at you and he just scoffed. "This is stupid." He said, walking off.

"Well, that was Subaru. He has no manners, so please excuse him. I'll discuss this with him later." Glasses spoke up.

"I'm Ayato, but you can call me Yours Truly. And I don't exactly appriciate you taking my seat next to Pancake, Toots." He said, and you turned to Yui. Her face was slightly pink and she had rolled her eyes while you chuckled at her. Unfortunately, you'd turned your head, and the next thing you knew, you felt something wet touch your ear.

"Eeep!" You screamed as you turned to see a purple haired boy holding a bear chuckle.

"Look at that Teddy!" He chuckled, looking up at you. "You're really sweet you know."

"Kanato, that's no way to introduce yourself to someone new." Glasses scolded. You'd started to think he was their dad.

"Aww, C'mon Reji, don't be such a killjoy." A boy in a fedora said as he came up to you, wrapping his arms around you, leaning to your ear. "I think I'll make you mine... Little Bitch..." He whispered and chuckled as he pulled away. You just sat there in shock. This was exactly what you were afraid of. Your train of thought was cut off as you heard a girl clear their throat, and Yui and you both turned to look at the brunette girl who had purple eyes, sitting next to Yui. She glared at the fedora wearing male, and she scolded him.

"Stop flirting with other girls when you already have me, Laito." She said in a huff as she turned away from him. You just stared at him for a little bit before turning back around, praying he wouldn't do anything else.

"I'm Reji, the second oldest son, and the deadbeat on the couch is Shu. He's the eldest of us all." Glasses said, and you just stared at him in awe for a second. He wasn't the oldest? He seemed like a father, not a brother! You thought but turned to meet eyes with the brunette girl who had begun speaking.

"I'm Lilly, and just do you know, Laito is MINE, so don't get any ideas." She said, getting up and grabbing Laito by the arm, pulling him out of the room. He seemed agitated, but as he realized you were watching him leave, he smiled and winked at you before he was pulled around the corner by his seemingly over-protective girlfriend, Lilly.

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