Past Reveals and Current Life

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     You ran out of your bathroom, shaking Laito to wake him up.

     "Hmm?" He asked groggily, opening one eye to look at you.

     "Laito, I need to show you something..." You said, and he instantly became worried, shooting up, afraid you were hurt or bit by one of the other brothers.

     "What happened?" He asked, afraid. You lifted up the test to show him, and he looked down in awe, smiling at the test, then back at you. He reached his hand out to caress your face, tears of joy rolling down his face.

     "Oh, (Y/N), I'm so happy to start a family with you." He said, laying the test down and pulling you into a hug, kissing you gently. You heard a knock at your door, and Laito grabbed the test and handed it to you. You hid it behind your back as you opened the door.  You saw Yui, and told her to come in and sit down. She was skeptical at first, but she listened and sat down in your vanity chair.

     "Close your eyes." you said, and she did. "Hold out your hands." Again, she listened, and you placed the test in her hand.

     "You can open your eyes." You said, and as she did, she looked down in shock, and looked back up at you.

     "Oh my god! (Y/N)! Oh goodness, I'm so happy for you!" She said, pulling you into a tight embrace. You all devised a plan to tell the rest of the family at dinner, and you were ready. You set up 9 present boxes, all different colors. Green for Laito, Purple for Kanato, Pink for Yui, Brown for Lilly, Blue for Reiji, Yellow for Shu, Red for Ayato, and Silver for Subaru. You put the pregnancy test in Laito's, although he already knew, and you put some candy in Kanato's,  Another pair of earbuds in Shu's,  a tea set in Reiji's, A bow in Yui's, A note in Ayato's telling him he'd better get Yui pregnant, with another pregnancy test box inside (Yui had no idea what Ayato was getting), A chain necklace for Subaru, and A rose pin for Lilly.

     You all waited until dinner, and then you surprised everyone with gifts. Handing them all out, a few of the brothers were skeptical. After handing them all out, you sat down in between Laito and Yui. Everyone opened their gifts, and they all thanked you, especially Yui, seeing as her gift was a surprise. Everyone looked at Laito confused as to why he didn't open his yet, and you gave him a nod, signifying for him to open it. His reaction, although it wasn't the first time, was as real as ever, and he started to cry again, pulling you into a hug.

     "I can't believe I'm going to be starting a family with you, (Y/N)... I love you so much!" He said, crying. You held him back tight, and everyone was shocked.

     "Wait, (Y/N) is pregnant?!" Kanato asked, shocked.

     "Oi, what in the- Laito, you- Huh?!" Subaru asked in shock. Shu just looked at you, jaw wide open, and Reiji glared in your direction. Ayato looked stunned, but laughed as he predicted it. The only person who wasn't happy was Lilly, but no one truly cared.

     That was 12 years ago. Your daughter, Loella, was beautiful. She had Laito's pale skin and ginger hair, with your (e/c) eyes and (hair texture) hair. She was the light of your life, and believe it or not, Yui actually had Ayato's son. Lucas was 10 years old.

     All in all, your lives were amazing. You had a loving and supporting family, Reiji and Lilly had disappeared, and you were all happy with your lives. You and Yui had become vampires so that you could live the rest of your lives with the men and family you loved, and nothing felt better than how amazing your life turned out.

     *The End*

     Thank you so much for reading this absolute roller coaster of emotions! Please don't forget to vote on each part of the story. I love you all so, so much, and I will see you guys in my next Character x Reader. Bye babes!

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