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     You woke up in a bed that wasn't yours, cuddled up to a cold man, with furious banging at the door. Not to mention, you're naked, and so is Laito.

     "Laito I swear to god if you don't open this door I'm going to get Subaru to burst it down! What did you to to (Y/N)?! Where is she?! Laito if you pulled anything funny I'll fucking KILL YOU!" You heard, shocked. The once innocent female you had had feelings for at a younger age was now cursing at the boy you loved more that anything in the entire world.

     Laito turned over, facing you, ignoring Yui's screaming and banging at the door. "Good morning, babe." He said, running his hand through your hair.

     "Morning." You croaked in reply. Your throat was sore from last night's screaming and activities.

     "Let's get dressed and get you back to your room before they break down my door and we're completely nude?"

     "Haha, yeah, that's a good idea." You both got up and got dressed, Laito teleporting you back into your room. You could walk, though you looked a little strange due to wobbling. He teleported back to his room after giving you a quick peck on the lips, and you started up your shower, grabbing your new outfit, considering it was Saturday and you didn't have school, you just grabbed shorts and a long-sleeved turtleneck, (f/c). You got out of the shower, brushed your teeth, and used the bathroom. After getting dressed, you head to your bed, laying down, only for Yui to burst in.

     "Oh my god, (Y/N), where have you been!?! I was worried sick that Laito did something to you!" She screamed, pulling you into a tight embrace. You hugged her back, only for Kanato to walk in.

     "Hm... Ne, Teddy, I thought Laito was in here... not (Y/N)... That's peculiar. Say, (Y/N), why is your scent masked by Laito's? Does it have anything to do with what I heard last night?" He teased, and you instantly knew that Yui was furious beneath you.

     "(Y/N), What the FUCK happened between you and Laito?!" She yelled at you, and you froze.

     "N-Nothing! Jeez." You lied, pursing your lips as you turned away from her. Before Yui could open her mouth to protest, Screaming could be heard.

     "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME LAITO?! AFTER ALL OF THIS TIME YOU WANT TO GET RID OF ME?! I HATE YOU! NEVER FUCKING TALK TO ME AGAIN! I HOPE YOU NEVER FIND LOVE!" Lilly's scream echoed throughout the house. Her sobbing ran past your door and down the steps, into who knows where.

     "(Y/N), did you and Laito have sex, WHILE HE WAS DATING LILLY?!"

     "W-What? NO!" You lied, embarassed.

     "Well then what happened, (Y/N)? Did you just ran-" You cut Yui off, running into the bathroom, locking the door, and getting sick. You threw up for seemingly no reason, and that's when it hit you. Laito didn't use a condom, and he came inside of you.

     "(Y/N) No way! You're having his child?!" She yelled, shocked.

     "Yui, don't hate me... p-please... we forgot to use a condom..." You said, barfing once again.

     "(Y/N), I could never hate you it's just, ugh I can't believe this. (Y/N), that was so reckless of you! What if you really are pregnant?!"

     "I don't know. Yui, I need you to find me a pregnancy test, stat."

     "I'm on it. Don't worry." Yui said, leaving the room.

Fedora Boy|Laito Sakamaki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now