The New Bitch in Town

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"Well, that was... something." You said, rolling your eyes.

"Yea... sorry about her, she's not the brightest... or the nicest... or nice at all..." She sighed and started to show my to my room. I opened the door and was greeted with my favorite color.

"Yui, did you-?"

"Yep! I was told you'd be coming, so I took matters of designing your room into my own hands!"

"Yui! Thankyou so much! You're the best!"

"Anything for you, (Y/N)!" She said with a huge smile on her face. You saw Lilly walk behind Yui and scoff at you. Yui turned around and saw Lilly stairing at her.

"Lilly, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? You're friends with this whore who tried to steal my man the first second she walks in here! He even called her-"

"Look, Lilly, there's a new bitch in town, and it's me. You'd better not get on my bad side, and for the record, I didn't ask for him to fucking lick me. It was disgusting. You can keep that creepy pervert to yourself." You growled, pulling Yui into your room before closing the door. "So annoying. Jeez." You complained, and Yui let out a soft chuckle.

"You got fiesty real quick there! You sure you don't like him?" She teased.

"Oh hush Yui! Why'd I like a perv like him anyways?" You chuckled, grabbing your bag off your bed and begun to unpack, and as you reached the middle of the bag, you turned red and slammed your bag shut, not wanting Yui to see the underwear you brought. It was all lace, and all means ALL. There's not a single piece that isn't lace. 'This is what you get for being a kinky bitch.'  You thought to yourself.

"(Y/N)? You okay?" Yui asked you.

"Hm? Yea, I just want to finish unpacking later." You lied, quickly moving your bag to the corner of your room.

"Oh, okay then. Here, I'll show you around in that case." Yui said with a smile, leading you out of your room and down the hallway, naming every room as she went down, but as she reached Laito's, you froze. You didn't care to know where that pervert's room was, but you sure as hell cared now that you realized that he was at the opposite end of the hall as you!

"You're kidding, right?"

"Hm?" Yui responded.

"I have to share a hallway with that pervert?!" You complained, and Yui chuckled.

"After a while he's not that bad. I promise!" She said, pulling you away from his room. She led you to the kitchen and then the pool. You wished you could jump in the pool right then and there-- it looked so refreshing. You quickly finished your rounds, heading back to your room.

"Hey, Yui, want to go for a swim?" You asked, knowing full well that she couldn't swim.

"(Y/N), you know me, I can't-"

"But I was always planning on teaching you! I could do it now!" You smiled, and she just chuckled.

"Sure, but I won't be any good. Here, let me go change into my bathing suit. I'll be back!"

"Awesome! I can't wait!" You chimed as she left your room, and you quickly pulled out your bathing suit, heading into your bathroom to change. You put on your (F/C) bathing suit and went back into your room, putting your hair down,and you placed your hair tie on the top of your dresser as your door opened. You'd expected to see Yui, but instead, you saw Laito. 'Damn... the pervert's here.' You thought. You tried to move or speak, but you were entranced by his heavy gaze. You couldn't tell if it was fear or intimidation, but it washed over you like a storm, not allowing you to get away. You felt him place his hand on your shoulder, and you quickly collected yourself, pushing his hand off of you.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm thirsty~" He said, coming closer to you.

"What? Go get water or somethi-" You froze, seeing a fang in his mouth. 'Fuck! No no no no no! Not now not now! Don't do this Say something! God fucking damn it, say something! Don't just stand here, please god say something!' You thought, your mind darting around.

"W-wait! I'm planning on teaching Yui to swim! I need to be as strong for that as I can! P-please don't-" You started

"Oh, I'm sure you'll be fine~"

"No, please!" You begged, but he came closer. You knew you had two options. Either have to end up backing out on Yui, or train Yui and then pass out from exertion and blood loss. You being you, you chose the second option.

"Can it please wait until after I train her? I'll let you drink my blood then, just not now, please Laito!" You begged, and he stared at you, confused at first, but eventually he just laughed and lifted your chin. You clentched your eyes shut, ready to be bitten, but instead, you just heard a whisper in your ear.

"I'll have to take you up on that option, Little Bitch~" He said, pulling away and walking out of your room. You sighed in relief, falling to your knees in fear. You took a minute to recollect yourself, but after a little bit, you heard your door open.

"(Y/N), I'm rea-" Yui started, "(Y/N), what happened?! Are you alright?!" She asked, rushing up to you. You just smiled and chuckled.

"Yea, it's just that living with vampires is quite stressful!" You said, trying to stay calm. The idea of living with vampires was a foreign concept to you. You were so afraid, but you didn't want Yui to know that.

"Y-you know? Please don't tell me you were bit!"

"No, but I was dumb and made a deal to be bit after I trained you instead of before so that I'd have enough energy to train you properly. At least you'll be getting a lesson though, so it's woth it." You smiled, trying to hide your fear.

"Oh (Y/N), I'm so sorry! I should've warned you sooner but it completely slipped my mind! I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay, Yui! I don't mind." Now come on, let's get you those swimming lessons!"

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