Fantasies - Lime ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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     "Laito!" You moaned as he kissed your neck, trailing down to your cleavage, only to come up and bite your neck right on your sweet spot, sucking on it and kissing all the while, sending you over the edge. You grasp onto his back, unable to form any words due to the immense pleasure rising up in you as he teases you more and more. He leans in to kiss you, licking your bottom lip asking for entrance. You deny, and he grasps your breast, causing you to moan, and he takes that opportunity to slip his tongue inside of your mouth. Your tongues dance, fighting for dominance, and he wins, his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth.

     "Mnnn, (Y/N)~" He moans, pulling away from the kiss.

     "Laito, ahh~" You fail to formulate a sentence.

     Next thing you knew, you woke up hot and bothered from your dream. You couldn't believe yourself! Why on earth would you feel so strongly for someone you just met! Plus, he was a vampire! A creature of the night! He could never fall for a human. Could he? He has a girlfriend, so maybe...

     You were pulled out of your thoughts by knocking on your door. "Who is it?"

     "Reiji. You'll be attending school with us, so please get dressed in your uniform. I'll give you your schedule at the door, so please do not keep me waiting." He said.

     "Alright, understood." You replied, and you heard him walk away. You grabbed your uniform and hopped in the shower, still trying to forget your dream, but to no avail. Getting dressed, you heard someone calling for you from outside of your bathroom. It was one of the brothers, but you couldn't tell who. "Who is it?" You called out, and you instantly regretted it. Your blouse had three buttons left to button up, your cleavage showing, along with bits of your white lace bra. Before you knew it, the one person you didn't want to see appeared in front of you; Laito.

     His face went bright red as he looked down at you, seeing parts of your body that no one else had ever seen before. "G-gahh, Little Bitch, I-I..." He stuttered, staring at you in awe. He placed his hand on the back of his neck rubbing it nervously. You were frozen in shock, but you had finally mustered up the courage to turn around and button up the rest of your top, trying to ignore the fact that you could feel Laito staring down over your shoulder.

     "Why did you teleport into the bathroom? What if I was completely naked!" You scolded him, reaching to unlock the door, but he grabbed you and pulled you into him, shocking you and making you heat up. He leaned down to your ear, purring. 

     "Little Bitch, you're blood is like a drug to me, and I need a hit." He cooed, pulling at your uniform until he could get in clear shot of your collar bones. He bit down, and you whimpered, but not out of pain. You could feel your body trying to give into it's lustful desires, and you were struggling to fight it. Your body started to heat up more and more, and right when you nearly tipped over your breaking point, he pulled away, panting. You calmed down a bit, only to be pushed over the edge by the last words to leave his mouth.

     "God, (Y/N), I don't know how much longer I can control my desires around you..." He said, but not in a mocking tone. He was serious, you could tell. And the fact that he called you by your actual name just added to that factor. He disappeared, and you stayed pressed up against where his body was, wanting desperately to kiss his lips, seeming so soft to the touch but can spit such bitter tasting words. Longing to feel the lack of warmth that is his body, but you know deep down that you can't. You know deep down that you can't win his heart, because a vampire could never love a human. Especially one like Laito.

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