Just Prey

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     You weren't sick anymore, which was good. Yui still hadn't returned with your test, but you told Laito about what was happening. He freaked out, apologizing at first, but promised he'd take care of the child, if you did end up pregnant. He hugged you tight for god knows how long before he had to leave and go take care of some things.

     Everything was going well, up until Reiji walked in. "(Y/N), I heard the news."

     "H-huh? O-oh..." You said, expecting him to punish you.

     "You do know that you're just prey to him, don't you?"

     "What do you mean? I'm not just prey!"

     "Hah, stupid human. Us vampires will do anything we can to get our pray to be loyal to us, even if that means playing with their emotions or portraying emotions we don't truly have. He doesn't actually care for you, I just hope you're aware of that."


     "Aw, don't tell me you actually thought he loved you? Hah! Pathetic. You're merely his playtoy. His sense of entertainment.  He'll quickly move on to a prostitute or some other girl. To be honest, any girl would be better than you would. You're pathetic and you reak of impurity. Most prostitutes have better scents than you, disgusting whore." Reiji said, eaving the room, and eaving you speechless. Just prey? No! I'm more than just prey. I'm his lover, his love interest, his... his...

His prey...

     "(Y/N), I found the test! Here!" She handed you the pregnancy test and you went into the bathroom to take it. You could practically feel yourself holding your breath. Finally, the results were distinguishable, and as you looked down you saw that it read...

Fedora Boy|Laito Sakamaki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now