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I head home after I finish and change into my work outfit. I quickly head to the store and then to Mr. Coldren's office like he wanted. I knock as Helio appears with a smile.

"He isn't going to answer. He's a little busy right now if you know what I mean," Helio explains.

"Ew, seriously?" I look at him.

"Very much so. She's gonna get a bonus for today even though she's already being paid way too much."

"Wow, that's literally illegal."

"I would do it if I was a female. Us males only get paid eight-twenty an hour."

"I guess being a female has its perks, right?" I joke.

"Yeah, but if he was gay . . I'd be getting the best bonus ever." Helio replies and I laugh.

"You'd really do that?" I look at him and he nods.

"Money is all I need in life . . well and a significant other."

"Me too."

"Helio, Luna. I'm so glad you're here because I have great news for both of you." Mr. Coldren appears as the female from yesterday scurries away.

"Am I getting a raise after my four years of hard work?" Helio looks hopeful and I don't think he should be because of Mr. Coldren's tone.

"Nope, even better . . both of you are fired. I want your outfits cleaned by tomorrow morning. You can drop them off with Beth."

"What?" I exclaim as Helio looks down.

"You're fired. I don't need you after all, either of you. Goodbye." He walks back in his office and I stand with Helio as he starts crying.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. Can you drive me home? I would do it, but I need to find a job as soon as possible."

"Sure. C'mon, we can both find a job." He hands me his keys and we head to the parking lot. I've known how to drive for a while, but I don't even have my license.


Helio lives above the bookstore that I work at which surprised me, but I didn't say anything. Our main concern right now is a job that pays well. We've been through so many job offers and what not, but we can't seem to find one that either of us like. Helio needs a job more than me so I'm letting him get the best one. He doesn't have two jobs and he's barely able to pay his rent most of the time so I'm trying to help him.

"I'm gonna order a pizza. Any specific toppings?" He asks setting his laptop down.

"Nope, get whatever you want," I reply.

"Taco pizza?" He looks at me and I nod.

"Literally my favorite." I smile and he looks happy.

"Good. I'm gonna order on the balcony."

Helio walks out and I continue looking. I know that it doesn't matter what job it is, but the pay does. Helio has to pay almost six hundred dollars in rent so money is the most important thing. I click on one and a grin forms on my face.

"Why are you smiling? What did my amazing best friend do?" He plops down next to me.

"It's that one fancy place. It pays eleven dollars an hour and it's looking for people to hire." I explain giddily.

"I fucking love you!" He shouts as he pulls me into a hug.

"I'll print out the applications downstairs then we can fill them out after we eat."

"I'll be up here."

I nod as I walk out the door. The way to the stairs is gloomy and cold, but I ignore it as I open the door to the stairs. There's another floor above this with two apartments that are currently empty. The owner is the only other person who lives on the same floor as Helio. The owner's boyfriend is supposedly here every weekend according to Helio.

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