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"You look depressed like its actually clouding around you," Helio tells me as I shut the car door.

"Well . . Mr. Venne literally fucking kissed me and I don't know why, but I kissed him back. What's wrong with me?" I speak quickly, but I know Helio understands everything.

"Luna . . that wasn't your fault. He took advantage of you, you need to know that." Helio looks at me seriously as he starts the car.

"But I didn't pull away . . I let it happen. It's my fault." I mutter.

"No, it isn't. He should of known better than to do that. You're emotionally unstable right now and everything is confusing to you."

"I didn't want him to kiss me, I didn't want that to be my first kiss." Tears form in my eyes and my voice cracks.

"You don't remember last night, do you?" My heart drops after he says that.

"We got drunk, didn't we? That explains my headache."

"Well, you did. I only had a sip, but after your call with Kira . . uhm, you took my whiskey and basically drank the whole thing. I tried stopping you, but you kissed me so I just let you do what you want." He explains and my face heats up.

"God, I'm so sorry. I don't even remember any of that, but I do remember the phone call."

"It's okay. I'm not mad or anything."

"At least I kissed you. It makes me feel a lot better."

"That's why I told you." He's looking at me still worried.

"Very considerate of you."

Silence fills the car and I realize that I like Helio or at least I think I do. I think I've known since that first day I met him. The wild blonde hair that seems to always do it's own thing. His blue eyes that almost mimic afternoon skies have pulled me in. I've never liked a boy like Helio before, partly because I've never meant any boy like him.

Normally, I ignore guys and try to act like they aren't there. No boy has treated me like Helio, as vomit-inducing that sounds. Helio is different than what I'm used to and I'm trying to act like it doesn't freak me out. I just can't tell him or at least not yet anyways, maybe someday.


"Wait, hold on. I'm getting a call," I tell Helio with a smile.

"I'll start supper," He responds as I walk to the balcony.

"Hello?" I answer sitting on one of the chairs.

"Hi, Luna. It's Irene, your caseworker. I got a call from Kira this morning and I'm just now calling you. Are you busy?" I mentally groan at the sound of her voice.

"No, I'm not. What did you want to talk about?"

"Uhm, well I can't place you in another foster home. It's just not a good idea anymore and you turn eighteen in about three months so we're just gonna place you in a group home until then."

"But I have a place to stay and as you said, I turn eighteen soon. Can I just stay here?" I sound desperate and needy, but I can't be put in a group home. Most importantly, I can't leave Helio.

"I wish you could, but you can't. The group home is really nice. There's a lot of girls there who are just like you." The last sentence hits me hard and anger boils inside me.

"Just like me!" I pause and take a breath." No girl is just like me. They haven't been in twenty-one different places, they haven't been raped for four days straight with a five minute break each day, they haven't had to learn thirteen different languages just so they could seem polite!" I retort, anger taking over me.

"Luna . ." Irene warns and I bite my tongue.

"Irene, you know I don't want to do this. Why can't you just let me stay with someone? It'll be a tiny white lie." I plead.

"Because I can't. I'll see you tomorrow at four."

"Mhm." I hang up and let out a frustrated sigh.

"I heard some of that. I really wish I could do something." Helio is leaning against the sliding glass door with a sympathetic look on his face.

"Yeah, me too. I don't want to go to a group home." He sits next to me.

"I don't want you to leave here. It's been nice having someone around." He sadly smiles, looking at the stars.

"I liked it. You make me happy."

"You'll have to call when we can't see each other. I don't know how this works, but we won't lose contact."

"I agree with that. I can't lose my only friend in this town." I smile even though tears are threatening to fall.

"Let's eat and have a fun night. This will be your best memory."

Helio sticks to his unspoken promise. He makes the night fun for both of us and he doesn't let either of us get sad. We both know that this might be our last night where we can go completely crazy without worrying about anything. This has got to be one of my best nights in my whole life and it's all caused by a boy. He really knows how to change a person's sadness into happiness.

The night ends almost too quickly and before I know it, I'm getting ready for school. We were up late so I don't feel as energetic as I probably should. Luckily, Helio made coffee for both of us and had plenty of whipped cream for the both of us. He takes the long way to school, neither of us worried about me being late.

"Okay, I'll pick you up at three-fifteen. Have a good day!" Helio tells me, grinning.

"You too!" I leave the car, grinning widely without a care in the world.

"Luna! Luna!" A girl runs up to me and I stop, looking over her.

"Hi? Do I know you?" I politely ask.

"I'm Brielle, I'm at your new group home." She tucks her ombre hair behind her ear. Her hair is a light blonde and a dark brown which somehow mixes perfectly.

"Oh, hi. You're in my photography class, aren't you?" We walk in together.

"Yes, I am. I've noticed some of your work, it's great!" She compliments me with a bright grin.

"Thank-you. I think I've seen some of yours. You usually have that creepy twist, right?" I try to remember as I put in my locker combination.

"Mhm-hm. Mr. Venne likes it . . he tells me that I have great potential." She seems so proud of herself and I understand.

Brielle's pictures are definitely different, but they are amazing. They aren't happy or anything like that. Most of them show a side that most people don't like, but that's why I like them. I hope she keeps taking them like that.

"I'll be your roommate. It goes by last name and mine is Vulzini." She explains as she opens her locker which is two away from mine.

"Oh okay, well it was nice meeting you. I'll see you later."

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