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"Yes, what are you looking for?" I politely respond.

"I don't know what it's called, but it's about a teenage sex slave who has a terrible past, but tries to act like nothing happened to her. Do you know what I'm talking about?" His slightly closed lip smile and raised eyebrow tells me he isn't serious.

"No . . I don't . . I don't know what book you're asking about." I trip over my words.

"We don't have that, but we do have a right to kick you out for harassing her. Please leave." Alden appears by my side with crossed arms and a clenched jaw.

"Why? I'm just looking for a book." The guy cocks his head, his eyes narrowing.

"Leave." Alden demands, clenching his fists.

"Fine, but my dad will hear about this. Did you know that he's friends with the mayor?" He half smiles taking a wide stance while he itches his crooked nose.

"Look, I don't know what game your playing and I frankly don't give a shit, but picking on Luna is a guaranteed way to get kicked out or even punched." Alden looks directly in the guy's eyes, daring him to say anything else.

"Oh, is it now?" He raises his eyebrow and puts his hand on his hips.

"Yeah, it is. If you don't fucking leave her alone, I will rearrange your face. I don't work here so I won't hesitate to hurt you." Helio appears behind him with a raised voice and flaring nostrils.

"What are you gonna do, huh?" The guy taunts, turning to face Helio.

"You really want to know?" A vein pulses in Helio's neck while his eyes turn hard and cold.

"Ryker, let's go. You proved your point." One of the girls interrupts.

"Shut up, Larissa. You and Evie should go wait in the car while Danny and I handle this."

"Dude, seriously? I'm not fighting them on an empty stomach . . let's go." The other guy, Danny complains.

"Whatever. I'll be back." They all leave and I laugh.

"He was so lying about his dad. You should of punched him." I smile.

"And ruin his face? He wouldn't be able to function." Alden jokes walking back over to Ambrose.

"Good point."

"I don't care that it's only five-thirty. You can be done for the day." Ambrose states.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, you worked yesterday. If we need you . . I'll text Helio."

Helio and I head upstairs in silence. We walk into his apartment and he walks over to the table that's covered in pictures. I saunter over and sit down next to him, glancing at all the pictures. They're of him and his parents with two other people, his brother and sister?

"My sister is getting married and I have to provide pictures," He explains, avoiding eye contact.

"What's her name?" I cautiously ask.

"Stella. My brother, Preston already has a wife."

"Ah, when's the wedding?"

"End of January. It's at some hotel in Jamaica."

"Wow, that's close and sounds expensive."

"My family is rich, along with all our friends."

"Really?" I'm actually shocked.

"Yeah, I don't belong in that kind of lifestyle."


"Would you want to go with me? I don't want to go at all, but you'd make it bearable."

I think as I view the pictures. There's so many from when Helio was a little kid, but it seems to stop when he starts to become a teenager. There's maybe six of him from ages fourteen to seventeen. Most of them are of him and Stella, the others consisting of his birthdays. Why isn't there more of him during his teenage years?

It seems to me that Helio doesn't have a good relationship with his family. Stella seems to be the only one that likes him which is really upsetting to me. Maybe that's why he never talks about his family, maybe he doesn't want to be a part of that life.

"Would we have to pretend to be a couple?" I question, picking up a picture of him and Stella when they were at least ten.

"Obviously, but we always do that. It's our thing." He chuckles, looking at the picture.

  I almost start screaming at him for saying that, but I bite my tongue. Thoughts go through my head, many different ones. How many girls has Helio treated like this? How many hearts has he broken? Do I tell him that I love him or do I keep it a secret?

"Our thing?" I bitterly smile.

"Yeah . . is something wrong?" He looks at me with a furrowed brow.

"Look . . I love being your friend like I really do, but I can't keep pretending." The truth finally comes out and I don't want him to avoid it.


"You know what I'm talking about. Please don't act like you don't." As I aggressively run my hands through my hair, he gets up and opens the fridge as if he's trying to avoid me.

"Luna, I . . . I . ." He trails off, grabbing a water.

"Helio, we both know it's more than a simple friendship." I plainly tell him.

"You don't think I know that? You don't think I've tried to act like I don't go mad when you're in the room . . especially when you laugh or act like a complete dork." He admits, not looking at me.

"Why didn't you tell me this?" I know it's a stupid question, but I need to know the answer.

"You know that already. Don't . . don't act like you don't." He knows me too well and I despise it.

"Helio . . . I can't . . we can't . ." My mouth can't form words and I just stop.

"Why?" He exclaims, causing me to jump. "Why can't we? Is it . ." He stops, trying to think of a logical reason. "Is it the age difference or . . or is it your fear of commitment?"

"I think you know."

"Baby, please don't be scared. I could never leave you."

"Oh, I totally haven't heard that before." Sarcasm laces my voice.

  "Ugh, Luna . . I just . . I just . . I won't hurt you . . I couldn't . . I wouldn't. I swear." He pulls at his golden hair, frustrated.

  "Yes, you would. Everybody does even if they don't mean to." I look at him, finally noticing the tears in his beautiful eyes.

  "Darling, you've been around too many toxic people. I'm not toxic."

  I stare at Helio, twisting my black hair around my finger. I think about him and the way I feel around him, but it doesn't help. I don't want to be in a relationship even if Helio seems like the right guy. Every guy seems like the right guy until your heart is a shattered mess on the bathroom floor.

  "Helio . . ."

  Helio frowns, but then he does something that I wish he wouldn't have done . . he kisses me.

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