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"What took you so long?" Kira demands when I walk through the front door.

"Traffic," Helio answers for me with a smile.

"Thanks for dropping her off."

"Actually . . we were going out tonight," I state and she rolls her eyes.

"I want you to meet someone."

"You mean that boyfriend of yours?" I joke.

"Yes, he's really excited to meet you."

"Can't we do this some other time?"

"No, he's been waiting since I've adopted you."

"Fine, but Helio's coming."


Helio follows behind me as I lead him up to my room. We walk in and he looks around at my plain room. I don't have much because I don't need much. I've had the same exact things with me everywhere I go. It's just easier when I'm always moving around.

"This wasn't what I was expecting. There's literally no evidence that anyone lives in this room except for those three stuffed animals." Helio looks at me with an almost sad look and I just shrug.

I've only ever had the necessities with how much I've moved around. I don't ever get comfortable and I certainly don't keep a lot of stuff that is just going to get lost, stolen, or broken. I have a list in my mind of everything I own and it isn't a long one either. It's just easier this way or at least it is for me.

"I don't really need much. Those stuffed animals are literally the only things I've kept." I explain, avoiding eye contact.

"Well a pig, unicorn, and rooster are really random. Is there a story?" He asks as I walk in my closet to change.

"Yeah, my first actual foster mom gave me the pig. The other two are national animals from other families." I've changed into a simple midnight blue dress.

"You're joking? A unicorn can't be a national animal?" He looks at me confused then with an admiring look when he sees my dress. My face goes red and my body heats up due to that.

"It is! I swear!" I exclaim with a quiet laugh.

"Okay, okay. I believe you." He puts his hands up in defeat as he grins widely.

"Good, now let's go."


"Do you even know this guy?" Helio asks when we arrive at the restaurant.

"I know that his name is Walden. I've never really talked to him because he gives off a weird vibe." I shrug, looking at Helio.

"Does Kira know this?"

"Of course not. They're madly in love which is obvious to anyone who has been around both of them for more than five minutes."

"Well, it's now or never . . am I right?" He smirks as he gets out of the car, but I see past it. I just shrug and we head into the restaurant.

"Luna! Over here!" Kira exclaims when she sees us.

"Hi, I'm Helio," Helio shakes Walden's hand with a polite smile as I slide into the booth.

"Walden . . it's nice to meet you."

"You too." Helio slides in next to me and I glare at him, hating how polite he is.

The night goes by rather slow, but that's only because of the awkward tension. I tried being polite, but Walter was pushing it. He kept saying things that weren't the most appropriate, but Kira seemed to be blinded by his charm. Helio and I felt extremely uncomfortable because Walden thought it was odd that Helio was almost five years older than me.  Helio and I aren't even dating and besides, he doesn't like me like that.

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