Chapter 1: Dusty's Sickness Part 1

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    One fine spring day, the former-crop duster-turned-racer, Dusty Crophopper, had woke up not feeling quite right somehow. But as the day progressed, he was eventually sent to his house by Dottie. "You're just not in good enough condition for roaming around, Dusty! You're running a temperature and it'll do no good if you overheat yourself."

    Dusty sighed and slowly made his way to his house and to his bedroom. Skipper had told Dottie about Dusty after their morning flight. The young 19 year-old man had been sluggish and easily exausted, causing Skipper to halt their flight early before instructing him to go and see Dottie. While he was laying in bed later that day, a soft knock sounded on his door. "Come in," he said almost in a misrable tone.

    At that, his best friend, Chug, came in with something that was drapped over his arm. "Hey, Duster. Heard you're unwell, so I thought I'd get you a blanket," he said.

    Dusty gladly accepted the blanket from Chug as he laid it on top of the sick man. As he let it's warmth wash over him, he became drowsy as his eyes started to close. "Thanks, Chug," he said.

    "You're welcome, Dusty. Get well soon," Chug replied. With that, he left the room, leaving Dusty in a peaceful sleep.
    It was late that night when Dusty opened his eyes. He groaned as he realized what woke him up-a burning, aching headache. He whined softly as his hand went up to his head, his whole body trembling as he panted at the heat he was feeling. He tried to get out of bed so that he could find Dottie or someone, but his whole body ached so much, he just gave up.

    As his world began to spin, Dusty felt the ache getting worse, and it felt like he would burst in pain at any moment. Seeing that the symptoms weren't going away, his dizziness was investable. "Help!" came a strained whisper.

    Gathering up as much strength as possible, Dusty soon managed to stand up and let out a shout that soon became more of a scream. "SKIPPER! DOTTIE!"

    Whimpering, he leaned on the wall, only to jump back in surprise as Skipper barged in, followed closely by Dottie. "Dusty?" Skipper asked as he causoiusly approached him.

    "Help," was the quiet responce he got which caused Dottie to jump into action. While she looked for a thermonitor, Skipper gently helped Dusty back on the bed, only to have the young man cry softly as he felt his stomach ache with a twist. "Sorry,  kid," Skipper said.

    Once Dottie got back with the thermonitor, she checked his temperature-which was way beyond normal. At the same time, Chug had also appeared, looking worried for his ariel friend. "Find Mayday, Chug," Dottie said, turning to him. "We need to get Dusty cooled of as soon as possible." Chug nodded as he raced off to Mayday's house.

    Skipper stayed with Dusty, allowing the young man to lean on him. Dusty was now getting slightly dilourious due to the heat as he panted, causing him to mumble unintelligiblely and mew. Skipper just took his time to keep calm and sushed Dusty gently. By the time Mayday arrived, Skipper had gotten Dusty outside and Dottie hat told him the situation. "Now gently, Mayday. For heavens sake, do not blast him with it!" she chastised.

    Mayday allowed the water to flow gently out of the hose as it hit Dusty's forehead, making him flinch harshly. Once that was done, Dottie told Skipper to help Dusty get back back to his bedroom. "There you go, son. You'll start to feel better now, alright?"

    The only response he got was a quiet nod. Smiling, he said that he, Chug, and Dottie were going to take turns watching him for the rest of the night. Dusty smiled slightly as he fell asleep.
    Dottie was the first to stay with him, and was pleased that it went quite well, Dusty only waking up to drink a small bit here and there and then falling back to sleep again afterwards. "If anything happens," she said as Chug went to do his part, "come get me, alright?"

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