Chapter 5: Solitary Flyer Part 2

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    Skipper glared at the restless young man before him. "No, Dusty. Dottie says that you're to rest those injuries."

    "But Skipper-"

    "Enough!" Skipper said. "You will stay inside for now."

    With that, Skipper walked off, leaving Dusty alone. Sighing, he laid back down on the couch. He would admit that he was slightly sore, but he was just so bored. The 1st day was okay; he didn't feel like leaving the house anyway. But by day 3, he felt like he was going to lose his mind to all this bordom. Skipper wouldn't mind if I go for a short flight, right? he thought. Just to stretch my arms!

    The need to feel the wind on him, even for a moment, was to much for him. Quietly opening the door, he peeked around to see if Dottie, Chug, or even Skipper were around. Finding the coast was clear, Dusty snuck out and went over to one of the back fields. After starting his engine, he ran down the feilds and jumped into the air. It had been so long since he heard the wind whistling past, so it was a great feeling. Being careful not to be seen, he did a few laps around the fields before coming in for a landing. It had been a short flight, but a satisfying one nonetheless. Happily, he started back to the house, eyes drooping lazily, only to bump into someone much bigger than him. Looking up at the person, he stated to apologize-until he saw who it was. "S-Skipper!" he exclaimed in surprise.

    Skipper didn't say anything as he glared down at the young man, making him feel very small. Then, Skipper turned and went back to his house, shuting the door behind him. Dusty followed behind, but stopped at the closed door. He tried opening it-with no luck. Deciding to go see Dottie, he went over to her shed, passing by his house on the way, because he wasn't ready to be alone yet after Ripslinger's unexpected "visit". Dottie, meanwhile, was getting her medical stuff organized when Dusty arrived. "Dusty!" she exclaimed. "What're you doing?"

    "Hey, Dottie," Dusty said sheepishly. "About that, Skipper locked me out."

    Dottie stared confused as Dusty added, "I'm sorry. I just went for a short flight. I was slightly sore, but so bored."

    Dottie sighed. "It's okay, Dusty," she said. "I was expecting that to happen. It's pretty natural. Now come on, let's go see him."
    "Skipper," she called. "Can you please open the door and let me in?"

    After about a minute, her voice lowered. "Now," she said.

    They heard the door unlock, and when it opened, there stood Skipper, glaring at them. "What do you want, Dottie?" he asked.

    "Skipper, why'd you lock Dusty out? You know he was bored and wanted to do something." Dusty sheepishly grinned behind the mechanic.

    "I don't take kindly to people who don't listen to reason," Skipper said sharply.

    "You can't stay overprotective of him, Skipper. He's gotta fly at some-"

    "I'm sorry, Skipper," Dusty interupted. "I was just so bored. I was flying for about 10 minutes, and I didn't damage anything. Just went for a lap around the fields."

    Skipper's gazed softened as he just knelt down and hugged him close, indicating that he forgave him. "It's alright, Dusty," he said as he pulled away. "I'll just be in the bar with Leadbottom if you need me."

    He walked off, leaving Dusty confused. He glanced at Dottie for an answer. "I don't know, Dusty," she said, answering the unvoiced question. "Maybe you should go and see Chug. He misses you."

    Dusty smiled, and like a cartoon character, shot off to find his best friend and, who he saw him as, older brother. Meanwhile, Dottie snuck inside the bar and saw Skipper with a drink, no Leadbottom in sight. She spoke up when she arrived beside him. "And what's got you in a mood this time?"

    Skipper sighed before turning to her. "I saw a certain someone while on patrol today," he said.

    Dottie gasped. "Are you sure?" she asked.

    "I'm sure of it," Skipper concluded. Just don't tell Dusty about it. It's best if we don't scare him, anyway. But make sure you lock up at night, okay?"

    Dottie nodded.

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