Chapter 18: Home Safe and Sound

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    Days later, Dusty began stirring around a bit as his conscious came back to him. The first thing he felt was someone's head pressing against his own. Bright sunlight flickered his vision the moment his eyes started opening. He didn't feel any pain at all; it felt like the sickness he had for a couple of days was entirely gone. Turning his head, he saw Skipper sleeping next to him. El Chu and Ishani were sleeping near the door. As his vision cleared up, he saw that he was in his bedroom. How did I get here? he thought, confused.

    At that moment, he heard Skipper waking up beside him. Once he saw Dusty awake and alive, he happily hugged him close. "Well, look who's awake after 15 days," he said with a teasing chuckle.

    At that comment, El Chu and Ishani woke up. "Ishani! Dusty's awake!" El Chu exclaimed.

    Ishani couldn't have been happier. Smiling big, she ran over and hugged Dusty, who want feeling any pain in his shoulder. "Thank goodness you're alright!" she said. "You've been out for sometime."

    Instantly, the door opened to reveal Dottie. "Hey, Dusty," she said. "Me and Chug heard what happened. Thank goodness you're not dead. What you and Skipper did was pretty brave; Ishani and El Chu told us the whole story."

    "At least Dad's not dead," Dusty chuckled as he got out of bed. 

    Strangely, though, he didn't feel any pain in his leg. "I got the bullets out," Skipper explained. "After you were unconscious, we got you to the hospital where they got you on medication. That medication also got rid of that sickness of yours, so the doctors said that we could take you home, but told us to keep an eye on you until you woke up."

    "That explains it," Dusty said, rubbing his head. "But what happened to Ripslinger, Ned, and Zed?"

    "At the jail," Dottie replied. "And it looks like they're gonna be there for quite a while-about a month or two. Even if they do get our of jail, they're not allowed to come near Propwash again."

    Dusty sighed with relief. Thank goodness for that, he thought.

    Suddenly, the house shook as Chug raced into the room, obiously panicked after what had happened 15 days ago. "Dusty! Dusty! What happened? Are you okay, Dust?"

    "It's okay, Chug," Dusty reassured him. "What me and Dad did was pretty risky, but at least we're not dead."

    Dottie rolled her eyes. Chug is such a drama king sometimes, she thought, chuckling.

    Skipper laughed as well. At least his son was alive. The worst was finally over. "So, Dusty," he said. "What do you say we take a little pratice flight afterwards after you get some rest? We have a lot of catching up to do. Besides, the first race of the season is about 4 weeks away."

    "Great idea, Dad," Dusty said with a smile. "But how about we make it a little more interesting?"

    Skipper laughed. He knew that look on Dusty's face when he saw it. "Alright, son. What do you have in mind?" he asked.

    "Well," Dusty said, "I just thought that we'd have a friendly relay race to go with our-you and me, against Ishani and El Chu. Home team vs. away."

    "Great idea, Dust," Skipper said, patting Dusty's shoulder. "You and El Chu in, Ishani?"

    "Of course, Skipper," Ishani replied. "That would be so much fun."

    El Chu just did one of his famous yells while spinning around so fast, he looked like a tornado. Dusty laughed in a friendly way. "That's right," he said. "It's as if we're nothing without our pals."

    With that, everyone laughed.



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