Chapter 11: Shooting

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    One cold, winter day in December, Dusty Crophopper and Skipper Riley were in trouble. An old rival of Skipper was right now after the two of them for something that the former war veteran had done to him years ago. As they were hiding in an alley, waiting for the danger to go away, they suddenly heard a loud gunshot that could be heard throughout the small town of Stewartville. "Skipper, what was that?" Dusty asked, scared.

    Skipper glanced over and saw a couple of guys with guns. "Just...guys with guns. Get behind me," he ordered.

    Dusty was shaking as he approached him. "W-What do you think they want?" he asked.

    Skipper didn't reply as he just pushed Dusty behind him. "Well, well, well. Look at what we have here-a stupid, former crop duster and the oldie. What a surprise," said a voice as a former war veteran the same age as Skipper approached them.

    From behind his mentor, Dusty felt hurt by the words. "What are you doing here, Charlie? I can't believe you're here," Skipper said with a hint of disbelief.

    Charlie, the leader, just laughed evilly. "Nothing much, really," he replied. "Just thought that after all these years, I'd give you some payback."

    Smirking, he aimed a gun at Dusty, who was frightened beyond compare. "Whoa, Charlie, don't do anything you won't regret," Skipper said.

    He tried to stop it, but was held back by 2 of Charlie's goons. "You need to be punished," Charlie said as he cocked the gun.

    Suddenly, there was a loud BANG! making Skipper look away from him in a flash. Looking back up, Skipper saw Dusty's eyes had grown wide. He saw Charlie and his goons punching him several times and then run off, but he was to busy to notice them. He had his sight only on Dusty the instant he fell on the ground. "Dusty!" he exclaimed as he raced over, going into doctor mode the moment he knelt down beside him. "Can you hear me? What hurts?"

    Looking at him for inspection, he saw a small hole in the shoulder. "M-My shoulder, Skip. H-HE SHOT ME!!!" Dusty screamed as he started to sob, tears streaming down his face.

    Upon hearing that, Skipper drew out his phone and called the nearest hospital. After the call was done, Skipper then turned to keep an eye on Dusty, who was still crying because of the pain and was just now starting to slip into unconsciousness. "Look Dusty, I know it hurts, but you gotta keep your eyes open for me," he said as he gathered Dusty in his arms.

    "K-Keep m' eyes pen?" Dusty slurred as he began to get more tired by the minute.

    "Yes, Dusty. Keep your eyes open. Focus on me," Skipper replied, hugging him close and being careful of his shoulder wound.

    Dusty just smiled and then closed his eyes, fading away into the darkness.
    3 days later, Dusty groaned in pain as he regained his consciousness. He opened his eyes to see himself in a small hospital room. A bandage was wrapped around his shoulder as he noted that someone must have taken the bullet out. "S-S-Skipper?" he asked.

    Somehow, Skipper came in and went over to Dusty. "Dusty! How're you? How's your pain?" he asked frantically.

    "Better. Just a little sore," Dusty replied. Then, he grew confused. "Skipper who was that guy? Why was he angry?" he asked as tears began to gather in his eyes.

    Skipper's heart seemed to go out for the young man. Poor Dusty, he thought as he scooped him up out of bed into his arms. I've never seen him this scared. Christmas is about giving and being kind to others, not just shooting people because you want revenge.

    After a moment, he looked at Dusty square in the eye. "He was Charlie. We didn't get along very well when I was in the military. He's been wanting revenge ever since I got promoted to commander of the Jolly Wrenches squadron."

    Dusty almost cried at that. "B-But why did he shoot me? Why couldn't he shoot you?" he asked as the tears finally came out.

    "I don't know, Dusty. But it doesn't matter. What matters now is that you're alive," Skipper said as he hugged Dusty close.

    Dusty smiled as he began to calm down while in his mentor's embrace. The young man was like a son to the old war veteran. He would do anything for him.


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