Chapter 16: Star Gazing

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    "That was totally a good one you pulled back there, boss," Ned said.

    "I had to do it," Ripslinger replied. "He's nothing but a stupid, worthless farm boy. He never should've started racing in the first place. Soon enough, though, we'll just put him out of his misery as soon as we get to his town."

    Zed remembered the look on Dusty's face and laughed. "How do you reckon he's holding up, right now?"

    "Don't know, don't care," Ripslinger spat.
    Meanwhile, Dusty, Skipper, Chug, Ishani, and El Chu were all outside, watching the stars. Dottie had suggested that a little fresh air would do Dusty well, and sure enough, she was right as usual. The only 2 places that were perfect for star gazing were Dusty's house and Skipper's house. "You guys see that start up there?" Skipper asked, pointing to a very bright star. "I used to see that exact same star back on the Flysenhower."

    Chug just watched in awe. He had never seen so many stars before, so this was quite a spetical. Ishani and El Chu were amazed as well; they had never seen so many stars in all their lives. They didn't know what to think. Suddenly, Dusty groaned and shot back inside. This sickness was horrid. The medicine Dottie and Chug had given him wasn't helping him out in any way. He kept on getting sick every hour, but he still hoped that he would soon get better.

    Despite this, he was thankful to have Skipper as his father. If anyone asked him what he used to think of the war veteran, he would say that he was an old grouch who didn't care for anyone. But now, he would think of him as a trusted father and friend to him. As for Chug, he was like an older brother to the young racer. He would somehow make him laugh to brighten up his day. He remembered what Chug had called himself before he started racing and chuckled, causing Skipper and his 2 closest friends to look at him in confusion. "What's up with you, Dusty?" Skipper asked.

    "Nothing," Dusty replied. "I just remembered what Chug called himself before I entered my first race."

    "What was it, amigo?" El Chu asked curiously.

    Dusty could barely contain his laughter as he said, "He called himself Turbo Coach Godzilla."

    On hearing that, Skipper and the 2 racers laughed heartily while Chug just smiled sheepishly. Suddenly, a sharp, painful spasm shot through Dusty's back, causing him to gasp sharply in pain. Skipper instantly noticed and wrapped his arm over him for support. "Chug, go get Dottie," he ordered.

    Chug nodded and raced off. Dusty was scared as he huddled close to his father, despite the pain it caused. "Dad, what's happening to me?" he asked with a whimper as he felt like passing out for the second time since he got sick.

    "Don't worry, son. We'll find out," Skipper said reassuringly. But even he was starting to have doubts.

    Soon, Chug arrived with Dottie carrying a thermoniter. She stuck it in Dusty's mouth in order to check his temperature. "Is he okay, Dottie?" El Chu asked.

    Ishani couldn't say anything; she felt so sorry for her boyfriend. "Well," Dottie said with a sigh, "looks like his temperature went up sharply before coming down at the same speed. That poisonous alcohol stuff is doing worse things than we originally thought it would do."

    Upon hearing this, they all heard Dusty gulp. "Come on, Dusty," Skipper said, helping him up. "Let's get you to your room."

    It took a while, but Skipper soon managed to get to Dusty's bedroom while supporting his son. He for him in bed, made sure he had fresh, cold water for the night (they'd all decided that water was better than actual oil anyway), and turned to leave until he heard Dusty call out, "D-Dad?"

    Skipper turned to face him. "What is it, son?"

    "C-Could you stay with me tonight?" Dusty asked. He sounded way more sick and scared than embarrassed.

    Skipper just smiled, however. "Of course, kid," he said.

    He went over to the bed and sat down next to it, softly patting Dusty's head. He then moved his hand down to Dusty's hand and held it, certain that he saw him smile. Dusty fell asleep within seconds and soon, so did Skipper.




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