Chapter 19: Friendly Rivalry

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    A few days later, Dusty, Skipper, Ishani, and El Chu were all at the runway. They had all agreed to do a friendly relay race to catch up on lost training time. Tomorrow, Ishani and El Chu had to go back to India and Mexico to train for the upcoming racing season. Chug stood at the starting line with his flag, ready to start of the race. "Alright, the relay race is about to be under way," he said. "Here are the rules: once you tag your teammate, you wait until he tags you again. You have about 20 laps total to get this race finished, so you each get about 10 laps per team. Understood?"

    Everyone seemed to agree with the rules. Dusty and El Chu were the first ones to approach the line. "Ready, El Chu?" he asked.

    El Chu nodded. He seemed pretty excited about the race. As soon as the 2 racers were ready, Chug said, "Okay racers, start your engines!"

    At that, Dusty and El Chu revved their engines as they prepared for takeoff. They glanced at each other and shared a smile as Chug said, "On your mark, get set...GO!!!"

    The instant he waved the green flag, they took off, heading into the sky. Following the marks that Dottie had laid down below them, they were able to not get lost. Laughing, they flew through the obstacle course that Chug had set up the day before. Meanwhile, Ishani and Skipper were waiting for their turn, cheering and shouting encouraging words to their teammates. The instant Dusty tagged Skipper when he arrived, the war veteran took off. Ishani did the same thing after El Chu tagged her. As the race went on, there were friendly comments and cheerful laughs as the 4 competitors flew. 20 laps later, the race was over and Dusty and Skipper were the winners. By that time, Dusty was exausted. He had had a lot of flying to cover up his missing training days, so he felt pretty exausted by the time he and Skipper got to Dusty's house. El Chu and Ishani said good night to them as they went back to the visitor house.

    Dusty, meanwhile, went into his house, falling asleep the moment he hit the couch. Skipper noticed and couldn't help but chuckle as he got Dusty into a more comfortable sleeping position, placing his head on his lap, to which Dusty instantly curled up into, nuzzling him. Smiling, Skipper grabbed a nearby blanket and laid it on top of him. "Goodnight, Dusty," he whispered.

    "Goodnight, Dad," Dusty mumbled in his sleep.

    Patting his head, the war veteran just fell asleep a few minutes later, the two of them just enjoying each other's company.

Skipper and Dusty's Father-Son Relationship Stories (All Humanized)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن