Chapter 4: Solitary Flyer Part 1

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    One peaceful, calm night, Dusty Crophopper was fast asleep in his house, unaware of the approaching danger that would soon come for him. Up in the night sky, a young man in green and black racing attire was flying through the air, a scowl set firmly on his face. Oh, I'm so gonna pay back that good-for-nothing farm boy for ruining me, he thought as he seemed to growl. His pace quickened as the small town came into view.

    Meanwhile, Skipper Riley snorted awake at the sound of an engine. He could've sworn that it was his long-time friend, Sparky, who was sleeping on the other side of the bedroom, but for now, he really couldn't be sure. Shrugging it off as another crazy imagened noise in the night, Skipper yawned and went back to sleep.

    Back outside, the solitary flyer had landed in one of the back fields and had now snuck into town, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention. He peered through a window at the first 2 houses, looking for the correct one. Arriving at the third house, he peeked in to see the walls lined with merchandise and posters. His eyes landed on the individual asleep on the bed, mostly protected from sight by the bedsheets. He sneered as he saw the familiar head poking out of them. An evil smile spread across his face as he snuck inside. Going into another room, he grabbed a knife to end his rival's life with and slowly but silently made his way to the bedroom, arriving at the door.
    Dusty yawned tiredly as the door slowly opened. "Skipper, what is it?" he asked as he sleepily got out of bed.

    But when he turned on the lights, he was surprised at what he saw instead. "R-Rip, wha...?" he asked, his brain trying to piece together what was going on.

    "Hello, Dusty," Ripslinger said threatenly as he came forward, pleased to see the young man trembling before him.

    Before Dusty could comprehend, Ripslinger raised the knife he held and barely got him on the cheek. Desprately, Dusty tried to back up, only to hit a shelf, knocking it down as well as some of his own prized possessions. Then, before he could fight back, Ripslinger struck him several times in the chest with the deadly weapon. Before Ripslinger could attack again, Dusty shoved him out of the way and raced out of his room, through the house, and out into the open. But before he could turn around in time to face his attacker, Ripslinger got him in the back and on the back of his head. Now feeling more scared than he had ever felt in his life, the moment Ripslinger got him in the arm, Dusty whimpered before screaming out for his mentor.
    Skipper shot awake at the sound of his charge's blood-curtling scream. As for Sparky, his eyes shot open at the sound of Skipper barging out of his room, out the front door, and racing to Dusty's house. Meanwhile, Dusty cried out again as Ripslinger got him badly in the left leg, making him stumble and fall. He could feel his blood leaking out from the bad cuts he had as he whimpered at his panting rival. "What's the matter, farm boy?" Ripslinger then asked as he grabbed and picked up Dusty by the throat, intent on strangling him to death. "Are you hurt?"

    Dusty didn't have the words to answer as he tried to escape from his hold. But it was no use. His chest heaved for air as he felt his life ebbing away from him. Just when it looked like it was all over for him, Ripslinger was suddenly punched away with such force that he dropped Dusty to the ground and fell down himself, leaving Dusty gasping and coughing. Once he had enough strength to look up, he was surprised, shocked, and yet relieved to see..."Skipper!" he said with a hiccup.

    Growling, Skipper stood in front of Ripslinger, his teeth set in a fertal grin as he stood in front of the injured Dusty, hiding him from his view. Ripslinger groaned before instantly reconizing the war veteran and growling. He paced back and forth, wondering what to do with him. When it occurred that he wouldn't stand a chance against a retired war leader, he began to back off. "This isn't over, you know!" Skipper called angrily.

Skipper and Dusty's Father-Son Relationship Stories (All Humanized)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon