Chapter 17: Dusty Saves his Friends and Skipper

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    Why did that farm boy ever want to start racing anyway? a mysterious figure thought as he walked out of his house and took off with 2 others following him. He never deserved to race with us real racing pros to begin with. He might still be sick, so as soon as I see him, I'm gonna put him out of his misery-and his 2 stupid racing friends and that old, cranky war veteran to unless they agree to be my fans. I swear Farm Boy will not get away with this.
    The next morning, Dusty woke up to a slightly better feeling than last night and to something pressing against him. That was when he remembered. Oh yeah, that's right, he thought. I asked Dad to stay with me last night. I completely forgot about that.

    *Yawn* "Morning, son," Skipper said as he woke up. "I see you're awake. Feeling any better today?"

    "I-I guess so," Dusty replied as he glanced up at his father.

    What Skipper saw tore his heart-Dusty's usually happy baby blue eyes were now grey. "Dad-" Dusty started to say, but then stopped as he began coughing.

    It felt painful, as if molten lava was poured down his throat. He soon stopped coughing long enough to speak. "-I think I know who put that stuff in my drink."

    It was evident that Skipper had somehow read Dusty's mind, because- "Ripslinger."

    Dusty glanced up at his father, who was getting angry as he found out who it was that caused his son all this misery the whole time. He was so angry, he growled (yeah, I really mean growled) and stomped towards the front door with Dusty following meekly behind. (As it had, by now, been 2 weeks, his arm was better and he could fly again. But thanks to the sick condition he was in, there was no chance of that even happening). But just as he followed Skipper through the living room, something lying on the table caught his attention. He went over to it and saw that it was just a piece of paper. Opening it, he saw that it was some kind of note, but he recognized the handwriting, which said:

Hey Farm Boy,

Just to let you know, I'm not done with you let. You see, I easily captured your 2 closest racing friends so that it'd be easier to get to you. But since you care about them so much, there is a way to get that settled. You and your mentor meet me and my henchmen over at the old warehouse just outside of town. That's where El Chu and Ishani are also being held. Remember that you have 30 minutes to get there, because I happen to have a choice for you.


    Dusty didn't know what to do as he suddenly became frightened. "Dad!" he exclaimed. "He's got El Chu and Ishani! You and me have to get over to that warehouse in half an hour!"

    Racing into the room, Skipper took the note from Dusty and read it. He tried to cover his boiling hot anger as he concluded, "He must've thought that capturing those 2 racers would make it easier for you to quit racing."

    Dusty was close to despair. "Oh, Dad, what'll we do?" he asked as he was about to cry.

    Skipper's heart seemed to go out to his son on that one. "Don't worry, son," he said soothingly as he hugged him. "I'll think of something. In the meantime, let's go meet Ripslinger and his cronies over at that warehouse place he mentioned. Good thing I know the way. I'm gonna try and think of a plan on the way there."

    Meanwhile, Ishani and El Chu were tied up to 2 supports. They both looked a little beaten up, but they weren't hurt much. Ned and Zed were keeping an eye out for the 2 impending visitors while Ripslinger was pacing around the area impatiently. From outside, Skipper and Dusty had landed just by the door, ready to put their plan into action. Bravely, they entered the warehouse, although Dusty was a little shaken. "Got an idea yet, Dad?" he whispered.

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