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- Miss Alice, Mr. Anthony, please go to your rooms as it is too late- Said Sen, our servant. He was a young man probably in his late teens. -Ok...- I said in a bad mood, I didn't want to go to sleep yet. Another servant, a woman who was not very nice helped me change into my sleeping clothes. -You already are 10 years old miss, you should start acting like one- she always used to say, I really hated her.
I got into bed, but couldn't sleep.
When my eyes where finally closing I heard loud footsteps in the hallway, my curiosity was too overwhelming. I had forgotten to take off my contacts, they where so annoying. I gently took out both of them, put them in the little pink case Sen had given me for my birthday, he was the only servant I could trust, he was the only one who knew my secret, or so my parents thought.
Silently I got out of bed and of the room, on my tiptoes. I has memorized all the shadow patterns so I could  easily move around at night without being noticed and thanks to my eyes I could see the path clearly, although, when it was dark they where flashy, like the ones of a cat*.
-who is walking around this late at night? - I wondered. And kept hiding in she shadows. Suddenly I heard voices coming from a room few meters away. I has the sudden realization that those voices where my fathers and Sens voices. I got closer to the door which was half open and tried to make out what they where saying. - Is Sen in trouble?- I thought to myself, the idea of losing him was horrible.
- Are you really the only one?- I heard my father say in a worried way.
- I think so, I haven't told anyone- said Sen and after a long pause he said - I would never do that and I hope she doesn't either-.
She? Were they talking about my mother? -what are you talking about?- that was all I could think.
I was looking though the door in a position rather uncomfortable in the little shadow a curtain made, 5 minutes ha d already passed and no more voices where heard, they stoped talking and now they are looking at each other in a worried way. My feet and knees hurt, this thought didn't last long because I fell and made a slight noise but enough to attract the attention of those who where in the room. I got up and ran as fast I could to my room which luckily wasn't so far away. I got into bed and turn off the lights, I fell asleep right away so I don't know what happened then.
I think I know, now in the present, what they where talking about.

*a cats eye looks bright in the dark because its eyes have a layer that reflex the light, called tapetum lucidum , which acts like a mirror behind the retina reflecting the light towards its cells.

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