CHANGE (part II)

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- What happened to Sen? Why is he not here anymore? He promised me he would be here, with me.- I cried as tears started rolling down my face.

Everyone looked at me like I was sort of a poor little girl crying for her mommy. Father looked rather calm, his usual serious face didn't express any emotion, I can never tell what he's thinking. 

- He left on his own will- Father answered. - Sen was never happy here to begin with- he added. 

My mind was a mess now, Sen always seemed so happy and understanding. Was I wrong this whole time? Was it my fault? the vase, maybe that triggered his sudden decision, or maybe... he found out something he shouldn't have... 

- speaking of Sen, he left something for you- Father said as the new servant girl approached me with a little box in her hands.  Inside, a beautiful necklace with a red shiny stone hanging from it. There was also a letter inside.

Dear little miss,

I wish you a Happy birthday. Sorry if I am not there with you, I had some things to take care of back home. Deep in my heart I hope you like the present as it reminded me of you. Your beautiful gift from god is reflected on this necklace. Always remember this is our little secret. When you look at the red stone remember to never let your secret out and remember me. 

Miss, you will soon know the truth. Your questions will be answered. I am terribly sorry.

Sincerely, Sen

My eyes were full of tears as I silently read the letter. I thought the contacts might slip out so I tried my best to stop crying. There were some parts of the letter that intrigued me. With "our little secret" he referred to my eyes, right. But the last part... what did he mean with "you will soon know the truth. Your questions will be answered. "  ? Was he trying to tell me something?

As soon as I started thinking, people started talking. As always nonsense was spoken. 

My father and Uncle Edric talked about how much the prices of things would rise in a couple of years, my mother and aunt Lydia kept quiet while Elizabeth, Victor, Anthony and me talked about how many books we had read in the last couple of weeks.

Victor was a bookworm, every time I needed information he had it, his sister Elizabeth was more like a diva but still tried her best to get as much information as she could. This was my chance to ask the a couple of things. Every time I saw my cousins we would sit in a quiet, isolated place to talk about what we imagined was out there, far far way from Loss. Victor often said there were even bigger pieces of land, so big that you couldn't even see the ocean. It was hard to imagine such things. We loved mysteries.

Dinner was coming to an end, I needed to discuss some things with them, I had to tell them all about the things I found and try to figure out what Sen was trying to tell me. They were the only persons I could trust now that Sen was gone. The only ones who knew my secret. My eyes.

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