2-. DAYS

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I opened my eyes, Sen was standing next to me with that beautiful, sweet smile. He helped reach me a little tea cup.
-Your morning tea miss- he said softly.
-Thank you Sen- I said as I took the cup.
- Your birthday will be in a couple of days, 11 years already- Sen said cheerfully.
Servants weren't allowed to treat the royals, us, like we were friends but he was a special case.
The light was bright, shining through the window. I suddenly remembered the conversation I heard last night, I really wanted to ask him what they were talking about but I, in my almost 11 years, I learned that being secretive is better than anything.
I took a long sip of my sweet morning tea. Someone knocked the door. I put on my contact lenses as fast as I could.
-come in- I said. The servant, that woman I hated so much, everyday came into my room and helped me change into my clothes. Sen got out of the room and left us alone, it was silent, neither of us wanted to talk. No words came out while she was dressing me, a beautiful dark blue dress with white ribbons.
In the morning I had my lessons at home. And rest of the day I didn't have anything to do, every day was the same. My birthday was in 2 days. I was so exited, this was the day I could see my cousins, Elisabeth and Vincent.
My parents were out in a business trip, I was alone with the servants until Anthony came home. We would sit in the hallway and read some old books we found in the library.
Before Anthony came home, I would try to sneak out to the garden without being noticed by the servants. I, also, had already memorized the best way, every bookshelf, lamp and furniture also dark spots and curtains. I went out and run through the flower garden and into the streets. No one would ever notice me, all the schedules from every servant, I memorized all of them so I knew exactly when to go back, 6:00 tea time.
I had gone on a long walk across the beach, I loved the ocean. My pale skin was whiter than ever, it shined as the sun rays gently touched it. I saw a few seashells and birds, I loved that little bit of freedom, even if it lasts on 2 hours a day.
The sounds of the waves and the smell of the ocean calmed me. I saw people walking down the street with fancy dresses and expensive suits.
Unfortunately time was almost up and I had to leave. I broke in the mansion from Anthonys room and got into mine.
My left eye was itchy, maybe because of the sand or maybe it was those horrible contact lenses. I took it off for an instant to clean in up. I could clearly see 2 grains of sand stuck in the lens, as I was cleaning it, someone entered my room, immediately I covered my eye, lucky me, it was that woman.
- what is wrong with your eyes, is there something bothering you, miss?- she asked sarcastically.
I froze. Did she know about my eyes all along?

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