5-. WORK

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I woke up to the sound of music. It was too early. -who is listening music this early in the morning?- I asked myself.
It was 6:00 am and I normally get up around 8:00. The sun was still getting up, I got out of bed. Some servants are already up, working.
-should I put on my contacts?- -no, they would just get on the way- -what if someone catches me without them and it isn't Sen?- I was thinking...
Without any more thoughts I just ran through the door into the hallway without the contacts and started memorizing the patterns of the shadows and furniture. I was following the music, I wanted to know where it was coming from. As I walked across the hallway the louder the music got. A beautiful melody, a duet between a violin and a piano. The music was getting louder and louder, it was coming from my dads office. I wasn't allowed to get in, but I did anyways. I pressed the stop button of the music player, everything was now silent. I could only hear the voices of some servants chatting now and then.
Lots of papers where spread across the big black wooden desk. Bot only some catched my attention, ones that said "KILOMNIAN" in big bold letters. They where money transferences, huge ones. They where exporting things out of Löss, from wood to metals. Then I saw other papers, ones with names and descriptions, others with words I didn't understand, beside them there where prices, high prices. Something here is wrong, people with prices and weird words.
-Illegal exportations?- I thought to myself.
I have always been keen on my parents work, now and then I would ask them what they where doing but they would always say "you will understand when you are older". I remember one time Anthony had picked a fight with one of the sons of one of the top families, everyone thought it was just a kids fight but when my brother punched him on the nose, it got serious. The poor kids nose was bleeding, while the servants scolded Anthony for what he had done, all eyes where on the scene they had made. This was the perfect instance to do stuff. My dad was abroad, my mother was apologizing to the kids mother, and the servants where holding Anthony.
I sneaked into the office and started looking around, touching stuff and analyzing everything. That day, what I saw stayed in my head forever. I knew something was off, something was completely wrong. The papers seemed to be more private and my father was out of Löss more often. When I was searching through the documents I found a letter, directed to my dad. It said...

Sr. William Woodgate,
I must inform you that the sales have been decreasing, something has to be done. Sr. Edric Woodgate has already done some arrangements, Opium, Prozac and some slaves have been added to the cart. Kilomnian needs it. We, also, have been having trouble with the government, the main questions is what to do in this circumstances, if they find out about the "jewel" bad things will happen, I beg you to do something about this.

Greetings, Sr. SS

There where some words I didn't understand such as "opium" and "Prosac"and what did they mean with slaves have been added to the cart? What is "the jewel"? Who is Sr. SS? I immediatly realized this wasn't a normal buissness.

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