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I wish I had died in that moment, the moment everyones lives ended. All our dreams, wishes and future died that night too.
There was something strange in all of this situation. Everyones hair has a pure white color, I had read a couple of years ago that decoloring of the hair naturally is often caused by a big trauma on the body and it leads to this... this was astonishing. Why did everyones hair turn white?
- I can find our parents anywhere!- Elizabeth screamed
Another strange situation was that all I we could find was children, no adults could be found, not even one. All I could see around me were children, young people, but why? And that strange smell? And the white hair?
Rumbling was heard, huge trucks, like the ones you see in books, those that were used in war times. They are here and they are loud.
-everyone gather! - a male voice screamed various times.
All the children gathered around a group of tall men in weird suits and wearing gas masks.
-were are our parents?- someone asked while crying.
- that doesn't matter anymore, the lives you had until now are gone, you will now come with us, so get inside the trucks and shut up! I don't want to hear more whining, screaming and I will absolutely not tolerate any disobedience. Are we clear?- he shouted, the man had a raspy low voice, it scared everyone. That horrible, tense silence was heard.

There must have been at least 200 kids and teens. We were afraid, even of crying or talking.
- I want my parents and my big brother back!- a girl screamed, if I am not wrong, she was from the Marsden household and had a brother who was 20 years old, almost 4 years older than her. He must have disappeared too.
The man with the mask quickly walked towards the girl. Anthony was about to scream something similar when the man stabbed her with a big knife in the head 2 or 3 times.
- this is going to happen if you don't follow the rules, have I made myself clear now?

That was it, the thing that triggered something down deep in my soul. At that time I only thought it was fear, but as the years passed by I noticed that it wasn't the only thing.

One by one, the kids started going in the big tanks and trucks. As I was entering the vehicle one of the guards gasped and took me to some strange car. It looked elegant, inside there were 3 persons , an old guy, a guy in a suit and a beautiful woman in a dress who was, as I imagined, his wife. The three of them looked at me, they were clearly fascinated, I immediately understood why. Because the massive destruction happened at night while I wasn't wearing my contact lenses, my big red and purple-ish eyes, my secret, my parents secret, Sens secret, was now exposed.

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