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- There is something deffinetly wrong with this- I thought to myself. I was now a lot more informed about everything than last time. I searched in the library every book and finaly found what Opium and Prosac meant, drugs.
I got out of the office and silently walked back to my room. I waited for Sen to come in as every morning and give a delicious cup of breakfast tea.
I waited and waited until it was 8:00 but he didn't come, instead, the sweet lady that helped me dress up last night came in.
- Here is your breakfast tea, Miss Alice- she said really softly.
- umm... Thanks- I answered  as I took the cup, the tea didn't taste as good as Sens. Where is he? Is he sick? Is he in trouble for the vase?
- Do you know where Sen is?- I asked shyly
- He is not working here anymore, Miss- she said -I will be your new servant - there was a little smile on her face, I new she felt a little uncomfortable, we didn't know each other.

Why is Sen not working here anymore? Was he fired? I have to go talk to father. Today was finally my birthday and the only person I could trust in this house was gone. This is the day everything changed.
I was already in a bad mood, it felt like it was going to be the worst birthday of my life and yesterdays discovery was still on my head.
- This has to be a joke- I thought as I drank the warm tea.
today was the day my cousins were coming, I got up and the girl dressed me up in a navy blue dress, my favorite. It had a cute white ribbon on the back, and the shoes, which matched the color of the dress, made a loud noise as I walked down the halls.

I heard the door opening and lots of footsteps and voices coming from the main entrance.

-Alice!- Elizabeth screamed. -Happy birthday- said Victor in his usual cold tone. My dear cousins were finally here, the only persons I could trust. - Sen- The only thing I could think of is how much I already missed him, my eyes were all watery. I really wanted to cry.

- dinner is ready, miss- the servant said as she guided us to the dining hall. It was still early for dinner, but this was a special day. We all sat on the table, my mother, my father, my uncle and aunt, my cousins, Anthony and me. At first my father and uncle started talking about how the garden was decorated and some stories of their past. William, my father and Edric, my uncle were twins. They looked so much alike but their personalities were totally different. Everyone was happily enjoying the meal while I was still trying to figure out why Sen left. My mind was a mess, trying to see which option fitted the most, I couldn't handle the idea of not knowing what happened. I have to ask my father. Did Sen do something wrong? Did he hate me? Did something happen? I was sure something out of the ordinary had happen for him to leave so suddenly. I need the courage to ask.

-- F-Father- I accidentally shouted, everyone turned to look at me.

- What happened to Sen? why is he not here anymore? he promised me he would be here, with me.- I cried as tears started rolling down my face.

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