Last Night

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Anna cooked and prepared the breakfast. She opened the curtains in the bedroom and waiting for Jules to wake up.

Anna: Good morning Jules. (touching his face)

Jules: mmmm...Its still early.

Anna: We will be late to Frank's basketball game. (tapping him again)

Jules: huh? (stand up from the bed) I didn't went home last night?

Anna: I told you don't drink to much. Come on breakfast is ready.

Jules: Did something happened last night? (wearing only a boxer)

Anna: You don't remember (with serious face but teasing him)

Jules: Well I don't. How come I don't...

Anna: You vomited, since you don't have extra clothes I took it off.

Jules didn't say any word. He stand up from the bed and was not embarrass at all. Showing of his body muscles and healthy body.

Anna: Woahh! Excuse me sir. Please put some clothes.

Jules: No need you saw my body anyways. I need to call my secretary.

Jules contacted Ken his secretary.

Jules: Ken could you cancel my appointments and bring me an attire. I am at Anna's place.

Ken: I already did it sir. Ms. Anna called me last night regarding your plans. Would like me to drive you to the stadium?

He was suprised and was staring at Anna face. She was laughing while fixing the table.

Jules: You don't need to drive us. I'll call you later. (hang up the phone) So how did you know my phone password?

Anna: I did my birthday code and it work. Would you like to take a bath first and eat or the other way around.

Jules took a bath and sit at the table with eggs, bread, sausage and bacon.

Anna: Why did you save me as a broken heart on your phone?

Jules: Your the one who broke it.

Anna don't want to talk about the matter yet. She change the topic. They talk about Frank and the rest of the family, same goes to Jules.

On the garage. Anna handed the car keys plus the house keys to Jules.

Jules: You didn't close the house yet is that why you're giving this to me?

Anna: (smiling) You're so cute. I am giving that just in case.

He can't still think any reasons why she's giving it to him. Driving to the stadium . Anna wearing a casual look, from JuNa line rip jean, Gucci sneakers and crossbag with Frank's blue team tshirt. Jules wearing jean same tshirt and a Gucci sneakers too.

Anna family was sitting in front with Jules mom. All wearing blue tshirt. Everyone was staring at them as they walk in everyone was gossiping. They greeted their family.

Jane: How was the night spending to Anna's place?

Jules: Mom, how did you know?

Jane: Megan and I saw it on the news and want to confirm so I called Ken.

Jane: lets talk about it after the game.

Chloe: Hi Kuya. You got couple shoes already. Thats so cute. (pointing)

Anna: This are gifts from the sponsors.

Jane and Megan was giggling. The game started. Everyone cheer and Frank's team won. His girlfriend, Lea run towards him.

Lea: so proud of you baby. (hugging)
She greeted the family.

Megan: so cute. do you have nicknames too Anna?

Anna: We never talk about that.

Megan: you should make one up. oh lets go and celebrate. and ask Jules what happened last night

Jules whispered to Anna and hold her hands. Everyone saw and was happy.

Jules: Congrats bro. I wont be able to go to the party. I need to go.

Anna: Same to me. I'll go with Jules.

They went out while holding hands. Drive to a coffee shop.

Jules: what really happened last night? did I do something?

Anna: nothing happened. you did not actually vomit. You said you feel hot so took off your clothes and went straight to my bed. I tried sleeping on the sofa but I can't, since I have a big bed I slept beside you. and... thats it

Jules: I think theres more than that.

There coffee and muffin was ready. She thought about the nicknames.

Anna: I will call you coffee and you can call me muffin. Isn't that cute.

Jules: don't change the topic.

Anna: so that night you pulled me close and I can hear you breathing was scared thinking you might me awake but I know that you won't do it. you just hold me the whole night.

Jules: is that so. ok. I'll drop you off to your house. (Stand up)

Anna: I just call my secretary thank you. You look busy so go.

He kiss her cheek to say goodbye.

Jules: See you, muffin.

She was smiling and would like to hear it again. but she thinks that she's doing the marriage because of the family reputation. She is still confused if they really love each other.

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