Picnic (Jaime Lannister x fem!reader)

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What you were doing was technically forbidden. Having a secret relationship with a knight in the Kingsguard was probably one of the worst things you could do in King's Landing while you were looking for a spouse, especially when that knight was the captain of the Kingsguard and the twin brother of the Queen Regent. Yes, you were seeing Jaime Lannister in secret.

You weren't entirely sure how it started, to be honest. One day you were mindlessly wandering around the Red Keep and the next, you were laughing and flirting with Jaime. That innocent flirting turned into a romance you never expected. Jaime was kind and sweet when he was with you. He showered you with love and devotion, but you both knew you could never be together forever. It nearly killed you, but you decided to take what you could get knowing that, when you finally were married to another, you would always keep Jaime in your heart.

You were in the library one day, pretending to read. Your thoughts kept wandering back to Jaime so you ended up reading the same sentence over and over. Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You jumped slightly. You hadn't even heard anyone else enter the room. You turned and smiled. "Jaime! You scared me." He gave you his signature smirk and shrugged. "Think you can lose your septa for a bit? Come for a ride with me?" You glanced over at your septa who, much to your delight, had fallen asleep in her chair. "I think I can manage that."

You got up quietly and followed Jaime from the room out toward the stables. "Will you ride with me or would you rather have your own horse?" You grinned before climbing onto Jaime's horse. He chuckled and climbed behind you. You loved when Jaime was able to get outside the Keep. He was so much more carefree, as if the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders. He was much happier and you could tell.

Jaime took you deep into the Kingswood, just enjoying your company. He hadn't expected to fall for you the way he had. He was in the Kingsguard after all. He wasn't allowed to marry or anything like that. Love was never really an option for him. Until you came along. It was an unexpected, but thoroughly pleasant surprise.

"Where are we going, Jaime?" you asked, pulling Jaime from his thoughts. "It's a surprise." You nodded and let Jaime direct his horse deeper into the forest. Finally, you came to a stop. Jaime dismounted and helped you down. He handed you a blanket and you looked at him in confusion. Only then did you notice the small basket strapped to the horses saddle. "You really didn't think I brought you out here for the scenery did you?" he asked with a chuckle.

A few minutes later, the two of you were sitting on the blanket, eating and talking. Just enjoying being with one another. Once you finished eating, Jaime laid back on the blanket, pulling you with him. You sighed happily and rested your head on his chest. "I'm going to miss this," you said sadly after a few moments. You cursed yourself for ruining the moment.

"Y/N...perhaps you won't have to." You looked up at him. "What do you mean?" Jaime sat up and sighed. "You are here to find a suitable husband, yes?" At your nod, he continued, "My father has been trying to convince me to leave the Kingsguard for a while now and become heir to Casterly Rock. Perhaps we can appease both our families."

"But what about Cersei? And Joffrey?" you asked, cursing yourself again. You really needed to learn to keep your mouth shut. "Forget about them. At least for now. This is about us. You and me, no one else. I'm asking you if you will consider being my wife, Y/N. To marry me and be Lady of Casterly Rock." You felt your lips spread into a smile. "Oh, Jaime! Of course I will!" Jaime held you closer and kissed the top of your head. "Wonderful. Then we should go back and inform our fathers."

You got up, dusted yourselves off and headed back to the Keep after cleaning up your picnic. Once back inside, Jaime took your arm in his and lead you to the Tower of the Hand, where Tywin would be. You both agreed it would be best to talk to Tywin first. You didn't expect your father to be with the Lannister.

"Ah, there you are!" your father greeted with a smile. You returned it and curtsied to Tywin. "Y/N, you'll be pleased to know that we've found a husband for you. A good man and a lord." Your smiled fell slightly. "Oh?" Your father stood and placed a hand on your shoulder. "Lord Tywin has agreed to take your hand in marriage." And just like that, you felt your world crashing down around you.

"N-No," you whispered. Only Jaime heard you. He was standing there, his mouth open in shock. "Father, you said you would never marry again." Tywin smirked and glanced at your father. "Lord Y/L/N and I have an agreement." Jaime let go of your arm. "You can't do that!"

"Don't raise your voice to me, boy. I can do as a please." Jaime shook his head. "No! I love her!" The room fell silent at Jaime's sudden confession. Your knees began knocking together, wondering what your fathers would say. "What?" Jaime ran his hand over through his short hair and then over his face. "We came here to tell you that I wish to leave the Kingsguard and marry Y/N. I love her." He was looking at you now. You had silent tears running down your face.

"Lord Tywin?" your father asked, looking at the elder Lannister. Tywin's stern gaze shifted between you and his son. "Leave us. I need to speak with my son." You planted your feet, ready to fight, but your father took your arm and pulled you from the room. Jaime smiled at you as you left.

You were left to paced outside the room. You wondered what the father and son were discussing so quietly. You worried for your fate. "Sit down, child." You shook your head. You couldn't just sit. You needed to move if you didn't want to break down in tears. Your father didn't understand what you were going through. He didn't understand that your mind was bouncing between too many scenarios.

The door opened a few moments later and you found yourself being picked up and spun around in Jaime's arms. Jaime was sporting a stunning smile. "Jaime?" you asked with a giggle as he put you down. "Father agreed," Jaime told you, breathlessly. "He did?!" Jaime nodded. "As long as your father accepts, we can marry as soon as you wish!" You glanced at your father, a hopeful look on your face. "Father?" The man grinned widely and nodded.

Jaime pressed his lips to yours joyfully. You felt a sense of relief. Not only because you weren't being forced to marry someone you didn't love, but also because you no longer had to hide your relationship with Jaime. Jaime pulled away and took your hand in his. "Come. I want to show everyone the future Lady Lannister."

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