Dinner Party (Oberyn Martell x fem!Stark reader) Modern AU

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"I promise I'll be on my best behavior, Y/N," your boyfriend swore. You rolled your eyes at him. He was down on his knees in front of you, pleading for you take him with you to your parent's dinner party. He was being extremely overly dramatic and you couldn't help but laugh. "That's what I'm afraid of," you mumbled, but he heard you anyway. "Oh, my flower, you wound me." You chuckled again. "Alright, fine! You can come too. Just please, Oberyn, don't embarrass me. My parents are very...traditional."

It was true. You loved your parents dearly, but they hadn't met Oberyn yet. Oberyn was the opposite of them. He was out going and flirtatious. He never let a moment pass where he wasn't doing something. He fully believed in seizing every second of the day. But he was a bit older than you were and already had children of his own from different women, the latest being Ellaria. That was something your parents may not approve of, despite how wonderful Oberyn was to you.

"I would never embarrass you, Flower. Now, will you wear the red or the black? You know I prefer the red on you, but it's your choice. Either way, I'm certain it'll be on the floor before the night is through." You groaned and looked at Oberyn's cheeky smile. "That's exactly what I mean. Try not to say things like that. It's one thing if my parents expect we're sleeping together. It's another thing to come right out and tell them!" Oberyn kissed you deeply. "You worry too much. I swear, I will be a gentleman. Now we really should dress or we'll be late."

An hour or so later, you were pulling up to your parents house. It seemed like everyone else was already there. Although Sansa and the younger children still lived at home, you, Robb, Jon, and Theon had all moved out already. Oberyn took your hand as you walked up to the door. "You're shaking. Are you really that worried?" You licked your lips. "I haven't brought a man home since I moved out. I'm not sure how they'll react." Oberyn smiled before stopping you. He gently kissed your forehead. "As long as you are happy, I'm certain they'll be alright." You grinned as the door opened.

"There she is! My darling little sister!" You playfully glared at Robb. "Eight minutes does not count as being the little sister, Robb." Robb laughed and pulled you in for a hug. "Mom was beginning to worry that you weren't going to make it on time." You shrugged. "I was a little distracted this afternoon and traffic was horrible." Robb glanced behind you at Oberyn who wore an amused expression.

"I can see what had you distracted. Y/N, you little minx," Theon's voice came from behind Robb. You playfully smacked his chest. "Good to see you too, Theon. Now are you going to let us in, or leave out here to freeze to death?" The two young men moved aside so you could enter. You had just finished introducing them to Oberyn when your mother came around the corner, your father right behind her.

"Y/N!" Your mother cried, instantly pulling you into a hug. You returned the gesture before doing the same to your father. "Mom, Dad, this is Oberyn. My boyfriend." For a moment, the two of them just stared. Two sets of eyes, one blue and one grey, flitted between you and the man you were seeing. You could tell they were already forming their opinions of him and, judging by the looks on their faces, they didn't like what they saw. Oberyn probably couldn't tell, but you could.

Oberyn stepped forward and greeted your father with a handshake. "Oberyn Martell," he introduced, his accent filling the room. "It is a pleasure to meet the parents of this wonderful young woman." He turned to your mother, took her hand in his, and placed a very light kiss to the back of it. You fought the urge to roll your eyes. He clearly didn't realize that his flirty behavior wasn't going to gain him any points with your family.

Your mother removed her hand from Oberyn's and gave him a tight smile. "Welcome to our home, Mr. Martell. Supper is just about ready. Why don't you follow us into the dining room?" Oberyn flashed her one if his charming smiles and nodded. "Lead the way, my lady." You ran your hand down your face. It was going to be a long night.

True to his word, Oberyn was on his best behavior. Unfortunately for you, his best behavior included speaking passionately about several topics that your family either had no opinion on or a strongly opposing feeling. It also included him flirting with Robb and Jon. Needless to say, the whole ordeal made the meal awkward for you. And for your family, especially your parents. They didn't know how to take Oberyn's carefree attitude and speech. They had never met anyone so open about everything in their lives. But it was the topic of children that made the night take a turn for what you thought was the worst.

"You have children, Mr. Martell?" Your father asked, exchanging a glance with your mother. Oberyn nodded and smiled. "I do. All daughters. I've been hoping for a son, but it has not been my fortune," he replied before looking over at you with an expression full of love and desire as he continued, "But it could still be in the cards." He reached over and took your hand. You couldn't help but smile at him. In truth, you wanted to be able to give him the son he wanted and maybe someday you would.

"Y/N, could we see you for a moment...alone?" your mother asked. Reluctantly, you removed your hand from Oberyn's and got up from the table. You ruffled young Rickon's hair as you passed. He glared playfully up at you as the wild strands of auburn hair fell into his face. You heard Robb admonish Oberyn for looking at your backside as you walked away and had to stifle a giggle. You should have known he wouldn't behave himself for very long.

Once you and your parents were alone, they turned on you. "What do you see in that man?" your mother demanded as soon as you met her cool blue gaze. "What?" Your father placed a hand on your mother's shoulder to calm her. "What your mother means to say is that we're worried for you." You furrowed your brows. "Worried? Why?" They looked at each other again. "He is a bit older than you, Y/N. And has children of his own. All by different women. Who's to say you aren't just another one of his conquests?"

You felt rage boiling to the surface. However, you held back from shouting. They were your parents, after all, and yelling at them was disrespectful. Especially when they thought they were looking out for your best interests. "If I was just a conquest, he would have left me by now, Mom. We've been together for a couple years already. Oberyn understands that I want to take this slow. He has been nothing short of a gentleman with me from the moment he asked me out the first time. Just because he isn't what you expected doesn't mean he's bad for me. I-I love him. Doesn't that count for something?"

"Of course it does, Y/N. We just want to be certain you're well taken care of in every aspect. We want you to be with someone who's worthy of you." You sniffled a little. "Well, I think that's Oberyn." They didn't reply and you sighed. "You know what, I think it's probably time for us to go. We have a long drive back." You hugged them both and told them that you loved them before heading back into the dining room where Oberyn had your siblings laughing at something.

His eyes lit up when he saw you had returned, but then he frowned he realized that something was bothering you. "Are you alright, Flower?" You gave a little nod and did your best to smile. "I'm fine. We should go. Long drive." Oberyn looked at you in curiosity. Still, he nodded, said his goodbyes and thank yous, and left after you.

For a while, the drive back was quiet. Too quiet. Even the radio couldn't cut the tense silence in the car. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Oberyn pulled into your driveway. You were out of the car before he could say anything. He followed you. He knew you'd talk when you were ready, but he wasn't sure he wanted to wait long. You weren't acting like yourself and it worried him.

"Flower? Will you tell me what's wrong?" he asked after he'd followed you up to your bedroom. You practically ripped off the dress you were wearing and threw it on the floor. To your surprise, Oberyn didn't make a single quip. "Y/N." You stopped moving as he came over and took your hands in his. "What is it? What did they say that has you so upset?" You licked your lips.

"They don't approve. They think you're too old for me and that I'm just a conquest for you. Another notch in your bedpost." Oberyn pulled you to him and kissed your temple. "I promise you aren't. You are so much more than that." You nodded a bit. "I know that. I just wanted them to like you so badly." He chuckled. "Their opinions mean a lot to you. Well, I swear I will do whatever I can to win their approval."

You looked up at him in surprise. "Really?" He gave you a smile. "Really. Now, I know I said that your dress would be on the floor by the end of the night, but I didn't mean you had to remove it so forcefully." You smacked his chest and his laughter echoed through the room. You couldn't fight your smile. "There's my flower," he whispered before leaning down to kiss you.    

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