At the Gym -pt. 3 (Sandor Clegane x fem!reader) Modern AU

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(read parts 1&2 first! In this part, violence, angst, fluff, implied sexy times)

You were humming in the kitchen when Sandor came down. He smiled to himself at the sight of you dancing around in your pajamas, cooking breakfast. He leaned against the doorframe and watched. You were so carefree and happy he wondered what you were doing with him. You were opposites like that, but it worked for you.

You and Sandor had been dating for about eight months when you moved into his place. You spent more time there than at home once your ankle healed, so it made sense. Sandor was amazed at how easily you both adjusted to living together. To a lot of people, it seemed the two of you were moving very quickly, but not to you. Sandor had waited a long time to meet someone like you and he wasn't going to let you go as long as you wanted to be with him.

"You're staring, Sandor," you said in greeting, looking over your shoulder. He chuckled lowly and came into the kitchen. "Yeah well, you're worth starin' at." You giggled. "You're ridiculous," you replied, leaning up to kiss his cheek. You looked at the clock and then at the calendar on the fridge. "And you're late. I've got your breakfast and protein shake ready." You handed him a couple breakfast burritos and his shake for later. "You're right. I'll be home for lunch." He kissed your temple and turned to leave.

"Sandor Clegane, you get your butt back in here and kiss me properly!" you chided playfully. He laughed and came back. He set his breakfast and shake on the counter before grabbing your face in his hands and kissing you deeply. When you parted, both of you were panting. "Better?" he asked. You nodded and smiled. "Good, but now I'm really gonna be late." You kissed him again and shooed him out the door.

Sandor spent his morning with clients, but his mind was on you, as usual. He counted his lucky stars every single morning he woke up with you next to him and every night he got to hold you in his arms. No one would have expected the giant of a man to be such a softie, but when it came to you, he couldn't help it. You were everything to him. He'd had a pretty hard knock life and never expected anyone to love him. Then you came along.

Sandor was pulled from his thoughts by his phone. Furrowing his brows, he answered it. To say he was surprised by who was on the other end would have been an understatement. "Hello, Mr. Clegane. I'm calling to let you know that I just dropped your brother off at your place." Sandor's eyes widened. "YA DID WHAT?!"

"I'm Gregor's parole officer. In his paper work, he said he was going to be staying with you." The voice sounded so confused. "The hells he is! Why the hells would I let the bastard who tried to kill me live in my house?!" The voice started to stutter out an apology, but Sandor didn't want to hear it. He yelled at them to call the police, hung up the phone, and ran out to his car. He had to get home and quickly. He didn't want to imagine what Gregor would do to you.

As he climbed into his car, Sandor tried to call you. Your phone went straight to voicemail. "Damn," he cursed. He threw his phone down. He drove as quickly as he possibly could, undoubtedly breaking at least a couple driving laws. He had to get home and get to you. His heart racing a mile a minute at the thought of Gregor hurting you. And he would if you did anything to anger him.

A sense of dread came over Sandor when he pulled into the driveway. Your car was still there and it shouldn't have been. He got out and raced toward the door. As he reached the door, he heard a sound that made his blood run cold. A gunshot.

Sandor practically broke down the door as he opened it. He stopped short when he saw what he didn't expect. It wasn't you on the floor in a pool of blood. It was Gregor. You were standing there, gun in shaking hand. You'd hit Gregor in the leg, knocking him down. "Y/N?" You looked up at Sandor with tears in your eyes. You dropped the gun and ran over to him. Sandor held you close as you started to cry. "Are ya alright? He didn't hurt ya, did he?"

You shook your head. "He tried to. I did the only thing I could think of." He stroked your hair. "It's alright." The sound of sirens echoed through the neighborhood just before the police came rushing in. "Is everyone alright?"

*time skip*

It took a couple months, but you weren't charged with anything and Gregor was sent back to prison. You were finally able to sleep without having nightmares and life was slowly returning to normal. Unfortunately, Sandor had become distant. You had no idea why, but you were determined to find out.

You were sitting at the kitchen table, coffee cup in hand, after a sleepless night. When you had gone to bed the night before, Sandor hadn't even kissed you properly. It wasn't like him. You were worried that he wasn't happy in your relationship anymore after what you'd done to his brother. It hurt and cause you restlessness.

"What are ya doin' up?" Sandor asked from the doorway. You glanced at the clock and realized that it was already six in the morning. "Are you happy, Sandor? With me I mean." He stared at you in shock. He had no idea where this was coming from. When he didn't answer, your frown deepened and tears began pricking your eyes. You drained your coffee cup and rose from your seat. "I'll start packing my things then."

Sandor grabbed your arm gently. "Don't." You looked up at him in surprise. " 'M not unhappy. I've never been more happy." You sighed. "But you aren't acting like you're happy. You're so distant." Sandor groaned, took your coffee cup from you and set it on the counter. He pulled you close and rested his head on top of yours.

"I was so scared of losin' ya, Y/N. When I heard the gun, I thought the worst. I thought Gregor had hurt ya and it scared me. I've never had anyone in my life that I was afraid of losin' until now." You wrapped your arms around him and craned your neck up to look at him. "So you thought pushing me away was the best way to keep me?"

"I have no idea what I'm doing," he admitted. You smiled softly. "Sandor, I love you. But pushing me away isn't the way to handle this. You have to talk to me. I know it's not your strong suit, but communication is key. Okay?" Sandor nodded. "I'll try. For ya." You laughed. "That's all I ask." Sandor kissed you for the first time in a couple of days and your heart soared. You loved the feeling of his lips on yours.

When you parted from him, your eyes met his. "What's on your schedule for the day?" you asked. Sandor shrugged. "Got an appointment this afternoon, but other than that, nothin'. Why?" You gave him a cheeky smile. "Because you've got some making up to do." Sandor chuckled and scooped you up in his arms. "I think I can manage that." With that, he carried back to your bedroom.    

Got One-Shots Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant