At the Gym -pt. 4 (Sandor Clegane x fem!reader) Modern AU

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(Please make sure you read parts 1-3 first!)

"Sandor?!" you cried as you opened the door to your shared home. He didn't answer. "Sandor?!" This time, his head popped into view. "What are ya yellin' about woman?" You grinned and handed him the papers in you had clutched in your grip. "We got it!" Sandor scanned the papers quickly and his eyes widened. "The gym? We got the gym?" You nodded and laughed happily.

The gym that you and Sandor had met in had been near closing. The owners were getting on in years and couldn't handle responsibility of the business anymore. When you'd heard the news, the two of you were devastated. That gym meant more to you than any other building. It was where your relationship had begun and you couldn't bear to see it closed and torn down. So, the two of you decided to buy it from the owners and become business partners as well as lovers.

Sandor scooped you up in his arms and spun you around. To him, this was everything he wanted. He now had two businesses, a home, and most importantly, he had you. He never expected to find someone to share his life with or even someone he could be happy with. Then he met you and it was as if it was meant to be. Even with everything the two of you had been through during the course of your two year relationship, it seemed nothing could tear you apart and Sandor wanted to make sure nothing ever would. If you would agree anyway.

He placed you back on your feet and you grinned up at him. Suddenly, your wide smile turned into a shy and unsure one. "What is it?" he asked. His voice was laced with concern. Maybe you weren't as excited about this as he was. "There's something I wanted to ask," you whispered. Sandor arched a brow and you bit your lip. You reached into your purse and dug around a bit. After a moment, you pulled something out and thrust it into Sandor's hands.

Sandor gazed down at the box in his hands with furrowed brows. He opened it and his eyes widened. Nestled inside was a wedding band. He looked back up at you in surprise. "It was my grandfather's. I know you aren't much for words and I didn't know if you'd ever pluck up the courage, but I feel like this is where our relationship is headed. I want to know if you'd be willing to marry me, Sandor."

His gaze traveled back and forth from the ring to your face, but he didn't say anything at first. Then, he began to laugh. It was barely audible at first, but then, it deepened until it was a fully, belly shaking guffaw. You simply stood there waiting for him to finish. When he did, his eyes were watering. "I don't see what's so funny, Sandor," you scolded and Sandor could hear the pain in your voice. Quickly, he leaned down and kissed you on the lips. He moved to his desk and pulled something out of the drawer before coming back over to you.

"I was plannin' ta ask ya on my birthday next week, but ya beat me ta it," he said, showing you his own ring box. He opened it and you gasped at the ring inside. It was stunning. Very simple, but that was you. "You were planning to propose? And I ruined it?" Sandor laughed again. "Ya didn't ruin it. Ya just beat me ta it. Besides, I like that my woman knows what she wants and takes it." You giggled and shook your head fondly.

"So, what do ya say? Marry me?" You rolled your eyes like Sandor knew you would. "Of course I will, you goof." You slipped the engagement ring on your finger. You reached up and placed your hand on the back of Sandor's neck, pulling him down toward you like you had the first time you'd kissed. Sandor happily let you pull his lips to yours in a fiery and passionate kiss that he sighed into. This was his everything. And to think it all started at the gym.    

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