Brother's Best Friend (Eddard "Ned" Stark x Baratheon!reader)

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This was it. The day you had been waiting for. The day you were going to marry your brother's best friend. Eddard Stark was a man of honor, handsome and charming, and you had loved him from afar for many years. Not that you ever said anything. After all, he had Catelyn and for a long time it looked as if her were going to marry her. When poor Catelyn died before they could wed, Ned retreated into himself. He did what was required of him as Lord of Winterfell, but other than that, he stayed away from others.

Slowly but surely, and with many visits from you and Robert, Ned started acting like his old self again. That gave you the chance to fall further in love with him and him with you. And now, you were about to marry him. You'd never been more excited for anything in your life. You didn't know that Ned was waiting for you in a state of near panic while your brothers attempted to calm him.

"Will you calm down? It's only a wedding! Seven Hells. You'd think you were a bride, Ned," Robert barked with a laugh at Ned's expense. "It isn't only a wedding, Robert. I'm marrying your sibling, someone who I never want to hurt in a thousand years. I don't want to fail Y/N as a husband." Robert's smile turned down. "Now you really do sound like a woman. Get it together, Ned. I'm going to get Y/N and you best be over this...whatever it is by the time those doors open. That's an order from your king." With that, Robert turned and left Ned with Stannis and Renly.

"As much as I hate to admit it, Robert is right. Although he could have phrased it better. You're worrying for nothing, Lord Stark. Y/N loves you and you love them. You won't fail as a husband," Renly stated, making Ned feel a little better. Renly had a way of putting things that made them seem a little less crude than Robert had.

"Thank you, Lord Renly. Now I suppose I should prepare myself." Renly smiled and Stannis gave Ned a curt nod of his head. "Good luck to you, Lord Stark. And many blessings," he said before leaving, Renly on his heels. Ned faced the mirror again, putting the finishing touches on his wedding attire.

Across the castle, you were doing the same when there was a knock on the door. "Enter." The door opened and Robert stepped in. "Aren't you ready yet?" You chuckled. "Not quite. Come in and wait a moment." Robert closed the door behind him. You could tell he was nervous. It wasn't often the two of you were alone together, especially not during a moment like this. Robert cleared his throat. "Are you nervous? Scared?"

You nodded sheepishly. "A little," you admitted, "Ned is your best friend and I would hate for anything to come between that. And what if I'm a bad spouse?" Robert laughed heartily. "How could you be? Just don't give yourself to anyone else, keep your mouth shut when necessary, and respect Ned's decisions and you'll be fine. Now come on or you'll be late for your own wedding."

That was one thing you appreciated about Robert. He didn't sugarcoat anything, but he also cared more for his family that he liked to show. Well, you at least. You hadn't done anything to earn his disdain like Renly and Stannis had. And he approved of marrying you off to his best friend. "Thank you, Robert." Robert didn't reply. Instead, he gave a little grunt and opened the door again.

A few moments later, the doors to the great hall of Winterfell opened. Everyone who was anyone was gathered there to see the marriage of Ned Stark and Y/N Baratheon. Your eyes were focused on Ned however. He wore his typical stern expression, but there was a glint in his eyes that told you he was just as happy about this as you were. He looked so handsome in his wedding attire, including his heavy grey cloak that would soon don your shoulders. You stepped up to stand next to Ned and gave him a soft smile.

As the septon began the ceremony, your eyes didn't leave Ned's until you had to turn for him to place his cloak on your shoulders. Your knees were shaking and you could barely contain your excitement. It was finally happening. You were changing from Y/N Baratheon, sibling of the king, to Y/N Stark, spouse of the Lord of Winterfell, your brother's best friend and the love of your life.

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