Chapter 21

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Camila's POV

When I get back to my apartment I find a petite blonde I don't recognize standing nude in my kitchen, gulping down a bottle of Voss water.

"Uh, hi?" I arch an eyebrow.

"hello," she greets me and takes another gulp of water.

"Who are you?" I set my purse down on the dining room table. I have no idea who the woman is, why she's in my apartment, or why she's naked.

"Pam, who are you?"

"Camila. I fuckin' live here. You don't," I remind her. "How the fuck did you get in my apartment?"

"Normani let me in."

Of fucking course she did.

"Right. Well... nice meeting you. I'm sure the will be the first and last time." Normani's not really known for keeping her playmates around for very long.

"We'll see," she shrugs and opens the fridge to put what's left of her water back.

Poor thing. Normani's... well, she's the closest thing I've ever met to a real life Samantha Jones. She's not really known for sticking around. When she does get into the occasional relationship, that doesn't usually last for too long either.

I continue on to my bedroom and start to go through my closet to decide what to take to Lauren's with me. Normani comes waltzing into my room, draped in a pale pink robe that's loosely tied around her waist.

"Could you please ask your friends to put something on before they leave your bedroom? It's disturbing to come home and find naked strangers in my kitchen," I tell her.

"I didn't think you'd be home so soon."

"That's not really the point, Mani."

"Fine, I'll tell her to put something on."

"Thank you. I probably won't be home for a day or two," I warn her. "I'll be staying at Lauren's house."

I haven't really told her yet about the shift in our relationship, but judging by the look on her face I know she suspects something is up.

"Uh huh, and where will you be sleeping, young lady?" she smiles knowingly.

"At her house?"

"In her bed," she teases.

"Maybe," I shrug casually. "Her guest room is occupied at the moment."

"So when the tabloids call what should I tell them?"

"Nothing," I reply.


"As far as anyone needs to know right now, I'm just her assistant," I say quietly since I don't know if that Pam woman can shear us and I don't need her running off to the tabloids to tell them what's going on.

"Alright. I'll keep my lips sealed."

"Thank you," I nod. "So where'd you meet Pam?"

"Whole Foods. She was thumping a cantaloupe and I "accidentally" bumped into her."

"And now you're thumping her cantaloupes," I snicker.

"Uh huh. She's fun."

"Well good for you," I smile. I grab a dress, a pair of jeans and two different tops since I'm not sure which one I like more. Then I move over to my dresser and grab two nightgowns. I doubt I'll actually sleep in them but I don't really feel comfortable walking around naked with Dinah staying there. I honestly don't know why she doesn't just officially move in and get it over with. She's been staying with Lauren for weeks and I don't see any signs of her leaving in the near future.

I get all my stuff packed up and say goodbye to Normani and Pam before leaving the apartment. On my way back to Lauren's house, I stop at a little bakery that makes some amazing seven layer bars and pick up a few. My sweet tooth is killing me right now. I swear, every time I see chocolate in the last week I can't stop myself from eating it.

By the time I pull up to Lauren's place, her car is in the drive. Dinah's rental is missing so God knows where she is or when she'll be back. I park my car beside Lauren's and grab my things to head on inside.

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