Chapter 37

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Ryan's POV

The rest of the year seemed to fly by. My parents still didn't want to talk about my college choice so we didn't. I was starting to get a bit nervous about the idea of college but Tyler was helping. We had talked about living together next year which I agreed to.

Graduation had been and gone so the day after the six of gathered to spend one last day together as a group. My parents had been at graduation yesterday and they were proud of me for finishing but we still weren't talking about college.

We had arranged to meet at one of the cafes that we went to a bit and it was weird to not be meeting in the library. I was the first one there, followed closely by Jordan. It didn't take long for everyone else to arrive and settle around me.

We were all going very separate ways after summer and it was scary. I had even become close with James despite him only joining us late in the year.

Jordan was going to Stanford next year. It was where he had been wanting to go for years and we had both been so excited when he got his acceptation letter. Realistically we weren't going to be that far away from each other next year but it's still further than this year.

Drew was going to Princeton and Morgan to Harvard. James was going to Duke so he and Tyler were already chirping each other about who was going to do better next year.

Tyler was going to heading to California before me because the basketball team were meeting before I had to be there. It meant that he was going to get the dorm room organised before I made it.

"I can't believe that we are finished high school," Drew said.

"I know and we are all moving away," Morgan added.

"It's weird to think about living somewhere that isn't here," I continued.

Everyone nodded and for a moment we didn't say anything. I couldn't believe how much things were going to change and that I wasn't going to be going to school with the friends that I had been friends with for years.

Our food arrived so that we didn't talk for a few minutes as we ate. I had been getting more emails from UCLA about the beginning of the year and it was getting me excited and nervous at the same time.

"When is everyone else heading out?" I asked.

James was also heading to Duke early but for the rest of us non-athletes were heading to our new colleges a couple of days before the start of the first semester.

"We've got to all keep in contact though," Drew said.

We all nodded and continued to talk as we ate until we all had to head out. Tyler and I were going to spend the rest of the day together and I suggested that we go for a run because I felt like doing something and Tyler agreed.

Realistically it wasn't the best time to go for a run since it was starting to get hot but we went away. Neither of us put headphones in but we didn't talk for a while. We didn't need to because it was route that we had run together quite a few times before.

Our footsteps were loud on the sidewalk as we ran around the city. It was an hour and a half loop and we ran at a hard pace until the last five minutes or so. I came to a stop at the park a couple of blocks from my house.

We stopped to stretch on the ground and control our breathing after the run.

"I was thinking that I was probably going to tell the team pretty early on about us," he said plainly.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I don't want to hide what we have," he told me.

I smiled before stretching over to press a light kiss to his lips.

"Just do what works for you," I told him honestly.

He nodded and we stretched in a comfortable silence until we were finished. Once we were we done we jogged at a very slow pace back to my house. My parents were at work so we headed up to my room. Tyler offered to help me continue to pack and I wasn't going to turn down help.

I had sort of half-heartedly started but not really much.

"What are you going to take with you?" Tyler asked.

"Most of my clothes and stuff. I probably want to take a couple of my textbooks as well," I explained.

He nodded and we started to work. I started music playing from my phone before setting up a couple of boxes on the bed. Tyler started organising my textbooks while I worked through my clothes.

We managed to get a lot more than I thought we would get done so I didn't feel guilty when we moved the boxes off the bed and we collapsed together.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked.

"Not really but I've still got a bit of time."

I nodded against him and we continued to talk. I knew that I should go and shower since neither of us had after our run earlier. Tyler had reached the same thought as me and he decided he would shower first.

I continued to lying there as I listened to the shower switch on. I think that I drifted off to sleep briefly because the next thing that I remembered was Tyler sliding back against me.

"You should go have a shower," he told me.

I nodded but wrapped my arms around him tighter. I felt him laughed beside me and then I felt myself being lifted up off the bed. Instinctually I wrapped my legs around him which only made him more laugh.

I then felt myself getting lower and then I was placed on the toilet.

"Have a shower," Tyler said before leaving the bathroom.

I sat there for a minute before uncurling myself and stepping into the shower. Once I was under the jets I felt much better but it was still nicer once I was back onto the bed with Tyler.

"Should I leave before your parents get home?" he asked.

It was still a bit weird between my parents and Tyler because of the whole thing to do with college. As much as I wanted Tyler to stay I knew that it would be a more sensible idea that he heads home.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he assured me.

I nodded and he extracted himself from beside me but paused in the doorway before he actually left.

"Everything will work out," he told me.

I offered him a half smile and that much have been enough because he then headed out of my room and out of the house. I just felt like the future was approaching way too quickly and it was scaring me.


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