The Day It Began

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Tenten's POV:

"Omg, I can't believe we're finally here!" I said. I looked over to my 3 best friends Sakura, Hinata and Ino.
"I know it's absolutely a dream come true" Sakura exclaimed.
"I-I wonder if w-we will make a-any new f-friends..." Hinata said.
"Or meet some cute boysssss >:3" Ino made her evil idea face.
We stared up at the huge Highschool in amazement.
"W-wow it's H-HUGE!" Sakura exclaimed.
"Well let's go inside" I said.
We walked into the Highschool and were immediately greeted by this blonde haired, blue eyed, energetic boy.
"Hey, my names Naruto Uzumaki and I'm gonna be the principal when I grow up!"
"G-good to know" I stuttered "These are my friends Hinata, Sakura, and that's Ino". I said pointing at my friends.
"Hey, I'm Ino Yamanaka!"
"Sakura Haruno"
"A-and I'm H-Hinata H-Hyuuga"

Hinata's POV:

Omg he's so gorgeous.... I-I think I'm gonna f-faint....
"Oh my gosh Hinata!" Sakura yelled. "Hinata!!!" Tenten started shaking me.

30 minutes later...

Sakura's POV:

"Seriously Hinata, again!" I yelled. It's not the first time Hinata's fainted in front of a boy, but this time it was worse.
"I-I'm so so s-sorry, he was j-just so HOT!" Hinata exclaimed.
"This is gonna be a long year..." We laughed.

Sorry this chapter was so short, this is my first story so it's not the best.

         ~~See you next time~~

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