Chapter VII: Tartarus

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"Luck is what happens when preparation, meets opportunity"--Julius Caesar
Allea Iacta Est-The die is cast--Julius Caesar

"Time to wake up." Came the soothing sound of a soft feminine voice.

Cornelia felt a gentle tap on her shoulder and blinked the sleep away from her eyes. "Mom? I had the strangest dream." Her eyes adjusted to the pale white light of the room. The woman that stood by her was not her mother. She had the same golden hair, but that is where the similarity to Demetra ended. Her mother had kind brown eyes and skin tinted by the moon. 

The pulchritudinous woman had a gentle voice, but cold steel grey eyes. Cornelia felt a sting of jealousy as she eyed the woman's delicate platinum blonde tresses that hung past her shoulders. The people of Rome, Cornelia included, always put such a strange emphasis on blonde hair color. 

My skin might turn the same color as Artemis if I stare at her hair too long. Though she could not look away from the woman's beauty, her elegant tresses had not a strand out of place. Loose curls that in no way could have been by accident fell with an effortless grace around her face and shoulders.   

I am lucky if I remember to brush mine. Cornelia shook it off as the beautiful goddess began to speak. 

 "Dear, my name is Herancla Mercacia Juno. I go by my last name when in town. I find it to be more professional, but here you can call me Hera." Her smile was infectious, but its twinkle did not reach her eyes. "You have caused quite a stir with the men on this ship, my dear." Her voice had a practiced aristocratic tone as if she thought about each word that she spoke and its significance.

Cornelia did not hear or react to Hera's last statement. Her mind was working on the name. Juno, I know I have heard that name, Juno Tita mentioned it when she visited a month or so ago.

 Hera was the first of the gods to tell her their full name, which was more Roman than anyone in this place had acted so far. Usually, Roman men would run out of breath before they finished introducing themselves. Each epithet attached to their name was a badge of honor, no matter how mundane. Strange for a woman to present herself that way, though. Cornelia thought as if trying to grab at the clues her subconscious was giving her. 

That was until the door in her mind burst open. Cornelia nearly fell out of her bed in a haphazard attempt at a bow. "Your skills are," she took a deep breath trying to compose herself, "legendary." Cornelia's answered now more conscious than ever of her uninteresting voice and dull brown hair. "It was in your care that my neighbor, Tita, was able to bear a child. Some say that you use powers, not of the mortal realm."

The woman chuckled, "Oh, aren't you, darling!" She smiled "It is nice to know that your people have given my laudable 'talents' their due." Hera emitted a soft, knowing chuckle to herself. "I do like this planet." She smiled with a knowing expression, "dear, tell me more of my reputation as we walk to the mess hall. Beauty cannot survive long on an empty stomach! We have another grande day ahead of us. Yesterday brought us you, who knows what today has in store!" Long fingernails curled around her scarlet lips in a gesture of fascination. Cornelia could feel her prodding gaze down to her soul, and her scarlet lips pulled back to reveal her perfect pearlescent teeth. Hera's interest was infectious and bolstered Cornelia. 

Cornelia stuttered, "they say you have an impossible gift." She hesitated, unwilling to say the rest. The body of the rumors seemed exaggerated now. This woman, of legend, sat on the side of Cornelia's bed like her sister used to sit on her bed. The familiarity made the rumors seem too far-fetched. Hera was gorgeous, kind, and skilled, but certainly not a goddess.

"Go on," Hera prodded, eager to hear more of her glowing reputation amongst the Roman people. "Specifics Cornelia-darling, I want to know specifics."

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