Chapter XI: The Asphodel Flower

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"Flowers of hades and the dead

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"Flowers of hades and the dead. Sacred to Persephone."
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Hades had escaped deep into a field of ghostly white flowers. The field, lit only by moonlight had a ghostly aura. These flowers were Cornelia's favorites. They reminded her of her grandmother. Her garden had a pathway dedicated to the flower, and she made sure to visit it and care for them every night. 

As the flowers danced lightly in the spring air Cornelia plucked one. The star-shaped petals shaking lightly in her hand. When she looked up, Hades had stepped even further away. He was perched on a boulder in the middle of the field of flowers. His ghostly white skin matching the pallor of the flowers. His lightly glowing hair creating a terrifying yet mystical effect. It looked like he was a king on a throne with a court of ghosts.

Cornelia climbed up the rock and plopped ungracefully down next to him. She did not share words, in fact something held her normal flippant responses for him in her throat. It was not that kind of moment, and even she knew that. 

He stared sullenly into the distance. His body acknowledged her presence in a small shift of position, but his words did not. It looked as if he was reliving a memory. She knew he wanted to be alone but it was not what he needed. 

She had collected an asphodel bloom on her way to the rock. She gave the flower a gentle kiss and then passed it to him. Her eyes never leaving the vast meadow. 

"What is this for." He asked delicately taking the stem.

"Well, whenever my mother was upset my father would bring her wildflowers." She paused thoughtfully. "Well, usually it was his fault."

"Aren't flowers for girls?" Hades snorted derisively.

Cornelia normally would have been offended; but, she sensed he had a much deeper level of pain than she understood. Her voice remained gentle and thoughtful. She looked at her flower "No, I don't think so." She looked at him more determinedly "I think it is the act of offering something delicate into the care of the another. It demonstrates vulnerability to the will of the other person. I think it's simply a kind gesture that has been warped with gender expectations, just like everything else in this petaqing world." 

Hades looked at her again. Really, looked at her. After a long moment, he gently took the flower. "It's pretty," he said with a grating whisper nestled it into his pocket. They sat like that together for a long time staring at the moonlight on the field of wildflowers. Finally, Cornelia took it upon herself to break the silence. "Why do you change colors when you're mad?"

Hades looked at her shocked "that's a bit personal!"

"How is it personal when it's so obvious. It's not like you hide it. You are normal one moment then, poof a glowing ball of blue noxious gas the next."

He chuckled "I guess it would be weird for you wouldn't it."

"How about this," Cornelia said smiling gently. "What if I tell you something special about me and then you can tell me something about yourself. Then, we would be even."

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