Chapter XXXII: Sabine Abduction

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Hey all, sorry to be such a slacker. I suddenly ended up back at work and as you know the world is a crazy place! My computer is also frustratingly slow with the editor so I was avoiding it. In other news, I just did a major character makeover. Flavia is no longer 'Flavia', she is Minerva. If you care to check the last chapter I put in some major changes with her behavior and relation to the plot. 

"Narcissus, so himself forsook, and died to kiss his shadow in the brook." William Shakespeare

"Beauty and sadness always go together. Nature thought beauty too rich to go forth upon the earth without a meet alloy."Cornelia's ear twitched at the warmth and familiar baritone voice. Its melodic qualities stirred something in her would that just moments ago she thought had died when the knot was tied. Cornelia felt her mind slip back into reality as a steady hand rested on her shoulder. 

She felt her heart soar in recognition of the voice's source, and at the same moment more melancholy than ever. Cornelia could not let him see what she had become. She could not let him see her broken and disheveled soul, "You are too late."

"You are married not dead," Apollo rolled his eyes, "and I thought I was melodramatic." When his joke did not cheer her he softened his voice. "I believe someone very wise," he paused long enough to tilt her eyes to his with his index finger, "told me there is always a back door," 

"Does not sound like anyone I know," Cornelia lied.  

 "It was this fiery and beautiful girl I once met on some pretty daring adventures," He paused pushing a strand of Cornelia's chocolate hair aside, "Though, I do not recognize her now." 

Cornelia glared at him, "stop moving my face."

"Ah!" He smiled as he released her, "there she is." 

The dam behind her eyes crumbled, and now her eyes rushed with waterfalls of despair. Apollo brushed a bit of hair out of her face. "Tears are words the heart cannot say," and he gently kissed her forehead. "You saved my life dearest, Cornelia, allow me to return the favor."

"How can you?" Cornelia asked. "We signed the paperwork, everyone saw us, the marriage is official."

He winked at her his hazel eyes twinkling.  "There's more than one way to skin a weasel, and I happen to be an expert in negating 'marital', " he toyed with the next word, "guidelines."

Cornelia stared at Apollo baffled. 

Apollo reached for Cornelia's hands; she winced in pain as his fingers made contact with her wrists. When Apollo pulled his hands back, he felt a creamy substance on them. He played with it in his fingers then caught sight of the angry welts the removed cosmetics had revealed. Apollo's brow furrowed with concern, and he surreptitiously rubbed her arm. Cornelia assumed it was in reassurance, but Apollo had a burning curiosity in his heart. Fueled by protective fury, he rubbed more and more of the sickly beige makeup away from her arm.  Again the milky substance came up on his hands and what was left behind. He continued to expose the purple and green marks that covered her arms.

"What did they do to you?" He whispered to her. She did not answer him. She simply stared past him almost as if he was not there at all. He grimaced. "Leave it to me Corny." He paused catching sight of Gastonus. 

Cornelia was thrilled her bridegroom was busy flirting with two beautiful women.

"It seems I am not the only one to view marriage as a guideline." Apollo narrowed his eyes as he looked at him to Cornelia. "Just do not ask any questions," Apollo snapped and slipped into the evening's crowd.

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