Chapter II: Chimera

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"Madness, in its wild, untamable words, proclaims its own meaning; in its chimeras, it utters secret truths."-Michael Foucault

"Not today, human." The cool voice matched the eerie laughter that she had heard earlier.

Cornelia took a deep breath and opened her eyes. What stood in front of her was a man, but not. He was either a monster or a god, and in many legends, those things are not that different. His skin is the impossible pallor of a waning moon. His luminescent blue eyes whirl with immortal power. His midnight-black leather armor served as a terrifying contrast to his internal light.  Lightning erupted from his hands and moved around him in a chaotic and terrifying dance. Cornelia braced herself and for the searing pain that his attack would bring.

Instead, he leveled her with a gaze that made her feel useless and idiotic. The same gaze you might give a small impudent child or scolded canine.

"Are you a god?" She asked before her brain caught up to her mouth.

Before he could deign to issue her a response the chimera charged at them. He punched through the air as more blue lightning erupted from his hands and body.

The Chimera roared in pain. The beams of intense heat and light, from the god-monster's, hands tore into the creature's golden hide. The leathery skin shredded on impact and the sound that came out of the creature would haunt Cornelia until the end of her days. Along side the image of the strange black liquid that oozed from the Chimera's sizzling wounds.

Cornelia, in a panic, grabbed frantically at the ground as she dug her hands into the soft earth in a desperate attempt to pull herself from the horror unfolding behind her. Tears clouded her eyes as her bruised, exhausted, and crippled body collapsed again and again on the ground.

The god-monster did not tear his eyes away from the chimera as he issued a scornful commanded to Cornelia, "Petaq!" He grabbed her hand and hoisted her off the ground with minimal effort, "run, stupid girl,"

Cornelia, stared at the source of the command. Her body was trapped in her shock an awe. No longer was it her body that held her back it was her Mind. She was driven by her own mad curiosity, she tried to make sense of him of his ethereal beauty, of his power, of just him.  She could not look away from the mesmerizing mirage of the god-monster who was crowned with living blue and ebony flames.

"Run!" He commanded again, as azure lightning crackled between his fingers. It's energy sparked small flames to consume the grass around them.

Clarity thundered through Cornelia's mind and moved her good leg, but her injured one would not cooperate. The pain in the wound and blood loss had taken its toll. Spots danced in front of her vision. 

"I hate this thing!" Yelled a new baritone voice, a stark contrast to the first. Cornelia turned and gasped. The god-monster was not alone. Her eyes darted toward the new voice. That was accompanied by a strange lilting form of music played by instruments she did not recognize. He clapped his hands together and did a strange dance toward the luminous god.

His skin was tinted gold by the sun, his blonde hair was in a gentle wave around his ears an elaborate tattoo decorated his left side disappearing beneath his tunic. He took one look at Cornelia and gave her a low bow and a wink. She just stared back in shock. He eyed the first god and chuckled, "you're not usually the damsel in distress type Hades." 

The golden man jumped to Cornelia's side. She tried to crawl backward in instinctive terror. He held up a hand, "I am here to help." He gestured toward her leg. She had been holding it with her hands and blood-soaked her dress and her hands.  She was trembling and barely able to understand the world around her. "I need to seal that or there will not be anything left of you to rescue." He gestured toward Hades, "he would be quite put out if his first hero attempt failed miserably." The humor of his tone took her by surprise and disarmed her. He nodded as she relaxed and took out a tool and held it over Cornelia's leg, she watched in wonder as the gash in her leg healed before her eyes.  

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