Chapter I: fugientibus receptaculum sponsa

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"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end."--Marcus Annaeus Seneca

Cornelia's eyes burned with the liquefied salt of her shattered soul; her feet pounded against the rough terrain of the untamed forest - the straps of her sandals flapping uselessly in the wind. A scroll by Cicero, the most lauded orator in all of Rome, was clutched to her heaving chest. She slammed past thorns and stray branches, unaware of the shreds of fabric that the brambles ripped from her dress.

She cared little for the cuts and bruises that enumerated her legs and arms. Cornelia was consumed only by ire and scorn, her anger erupted anew with each thunderous step.

Blinded by her rage, Cornelia did not see the six hungry eyes that had followed her flight into the depths of the San Vito Forest, her tears blinded her from the that danced between its fangs. She did not witness as the fading rays of the sun bounced off the monster's golden hide or shine on the venom that dripped from its fangs, nor hear the chorus of snarls and rhythm of the beast's mashing teeth.

Cornelia's foot caught under a root and she cursed loudly and kicked the offending bramble. Imagining it to be a part of Gastonus that he valued most. She kicked it again for good measure her satisfaction minimized by it being her imagination.

Her father had announced her betrothal two hours ago. "Gastonus!" She spit his name out, and it suitably came with some phlegm. A branch cracked in the distance, but she paid it no mind.

Blood ran down her leg the sight of it forced her to groan in frustration. She tore off a ragged and dirty piece of what remained of her stola. A smile parted her lips as she examined the rest of her leg. There were bruises and scars both old new that decorated her body. Each one acquired in either her fight with the full behemoth or some other 'unladylike' misadventure. The last thought was accompanied by an equally unladylike gesture. Her ears twitched at the breaking of a branch near her, but it did not sound as if belonged to anything heavy footed so she paid it no mind.

"Money does not make him less of an incompetent, vulture." She glared at a bald-headed bird who watched her from the branches of a nearby tree, "no offense." The bird just continued to stare. She glowered "I do not have to defend myself to you!" A little bit of white fell from the black-winged raptor to the ground. "You are right that's a better analogy for Gastonus' best qualities." She puffed out her chest and yelled at no one in particular, "Gastonus is the digested remains of a rotting carcass." Satisfied she decided to rise.

She winced as she picked herself still sneering from the events of the day. Unaware of the clusters of spring flowers that had tangled themselves into her honey brown mane. "I am never going back! I am not about that 'provincial' life."

Her legs wobbled beneath her, weak from the miles she had placed between herself and her 'fate'. Her good sense had returned and she decided to gather in her surroundings. She noted the thick trunks of the trees indicating their exceptional age, the near twilight color of the sky obstructed by fresh spring leaves and floral growths. She took a deep breath and none of the smells she took in contained the filth of the city streets. Cornelia smiled, "I am not in Rome anymore." She clicked her heels and rested a hand on the tree with a grateful smile. "He cannot marry me if he cannot find me." Her head bobbed side to side with a triumphant and mocking tone.

The wind whispered through the trees. WIth it was an eerie laugh. It was at that moment that she realized the fathomless depths of her stupidity and carelessness. "Hello?" silence answered her. "I am armed!" She lied, as she brandished her scroll. It gave her little comfort. She winced as she took a step, her bruises may be deeper than she originally believed. She felt her vision blur as exhaustion and dehydration seized control of her mind. The forest was dead silent, and she trembled.

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