Chapter IV:-Evadare-new

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"No." Cornelia glared at her mother and Gastonus as they stood before her. His meticulous appearance, red tunic, and ostentatious belt shone at her mockingly. 

"We reached an agreement," He answered with his smooth political baritone. His voice was cool, calm, but his eyes promised punishment. 

Fear clutched at her chest as she took a step back. She stumbled on a crack in the pavement but held her ground, "mother you promised."

Demeter wept, her tears sprinkled the ground in soft mournful puddles, "I do not have a choice.

"Yes, you do!" Cornelia screamed, taking another step back. Her eyes watered with fury and trepidation, "I will not marry you Gastonus." The shaking of her body betrayed the strength in her voice, "See that is choice." 

"Women should be silent." Gastonous' voice held only a cruel promise of her life ahead, "the law is on my side, the contract is finalized, you will be my wife."

She had placed at least twenty steps between her and Gastonus. It had to be enough, she still had a choice, just not the one they expected, "I will always have a choice!" She growled in a final declaration before she launched into the long road headed for the crowded alleys and passages of Rome. She would have to lose the behemoth first. Her muscles tensed her legs extended and she was off in a fit of passion, fury, and hope. 

Cornelia felt the rough edges and uneven stones of Rome's roadways dig into the bottom of her sandals. Her rhythmic breathing pounded in her chest in time with each stride.  Her mother's, Demeter's voice faded into the wind. She loved her mother, but in this Cornelia was alone. 

She heard him behind her. Heard his thundering steps as his heavier body pounded the pavement behind her.  She could hear his steady heavy breathing, the effort it took him to move his massive body at this speed. 

 He is too close, she pushed herself harder sweat stung her eyes as the hot late summer sun beat down on her. She called on all of the years she had spent training in secret. She pushed through the chaotic throng of shoppers and carts. She hastily dodged mule manure and cursing merchants. She felt his hands dig into her arm and she screamed as she felt the bruises they would leave behind. 

"No!" She screamed and spun, but was faced with not Gastonus, but an iridescent blue fog it moved like an avalanche through an empty void of darkness and dry grey forest floor. She stood frozen as it swallowed her within it. 

 When it cleared she was greeted by the jovial and jeering voice of her older brother. "You are too slow little sister!" Arion taunted her through the trees. His agile body jumping and twisting around branches and upturned logs. "Such little girly legs could never catch up."

Cornelia smiled as she instinctively raced just steps behind her big brother. Her hand clutched around a small rock that she had been holding onto, for just the right opportunity.

"Watch out!" She yelled with strategic enthusiasm. He froze and looked around him for the 'danger'. Cornelia cackled, threw the rock at his head, using the distraction to pass him and hurtled through the woods toward their chosen finish line. She bent over to catch her breath a malicious smile spreading her lips.

"This was a great last race little sister," He said laughing as he plopped down beside her. He stretched his legs and then leaned back grinning up at her. "I was selected for the legions!" I will be able to train with a real weapon's master, not your useless self.

She punched Arion, lightly but enough to make a point. "When do you leave?" In answer to her words, she watched her brother fade into the waiting puffs of the iridescent blue mist. That clung to every part of her dream and transformed it back into the nightmare it started out as. 

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