Chapter XXV: Hydra

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"Confidence is like a dragon where, for every head cut off, two more heads grow back." "From the necks up... well, whoever said two heads are better than one never met a hydra."--Anonymous

**Who We Are**-- Imagine Dragons

"Artemis," Cornelia's came out as a croak. She blanketed Artemis' body with hers and wept. Her tears pushed through her soot-stained cheeks. Apollo dragged himself to them, the only sound that punctuated her sobs. Near-death himself Apollo was, unable to even lift his head to see his sister as her soul passed on to the next life. Her screams for help the only sound in the deathly silence. 

Until the shearing of metal pierced the sound of death and devastation, followed by the welcome sound of Hercules' grunted effort.

"Cornelia!" Hades cried out as he jumped through the small gap, "Cornelia!"

"Here!" She squeaked through the noxious mustard tinted fog; Another roar echoed through the hallway. It coursed through her veins, vibrating every muscle, tendon, and bone in her body, "you did not kill it?"

"Don't let it in here!"Hades roared as Hercules picked himself up and pulled the door closed. His body disappeared from view. The only space left was where his hand had pushed through to make a handle.

"Herc is keeping it busy," Hades yelled through the commotion. "Where are you? I cannot see!"

"Over here, be careful Artemis and Apollo are in here."

"Shnarzik!" Hades cursed in his native tongue.

 "I put respirators on them," Cornelia's voice cracked, "but it won't help Artemis."

Hades was at her side in less than a breath. "Where's Apollo?" He asked as he examined the ashen skinned amazon.

"He's fine." She said, and a cough mixed with gibberish echoed her statement. "I think he's enjoying himself." His cheek turned to Artemis' nose, his eyes on her chest.

The yellow fog started to dissipate and eke out into the hallway through the gaping hole left by the sundered door.

Hades cursed and moved to his knees, positioning his body above Artemis' his knuckles interlocked his palms pressed on her heart. Cornelia caught a glimpse of a large scaly body as it slammed into the doorway, by Hercules' hand or it's, doing she could not ascertain.

"What are you doing?" Artemis' glassy eyes stared back at her from an ashen face, and she could not help but turn away. Her soul could not take it anymore. Death had become too familiar; but, not the death of a friend. This was something she was not sure she could handle being here any longer, "she is gone."

"Not if I can help it!" Hades roared pressed his hands into her chest. Her ribs crunched under his weight. Blue electricity crackled between his fingers, and her body lurched on impact."Come on, Art. You are stronger than this. Apollo cannot beat you. Not in this!"

Silence answered him, and he lowered his mouth to hers. For a moment, Cornelia felt a strange and unrelenting fury rise within her, and then Artemis' chest rose ever so slightly, and then she watched his movements much more carefully. He pressed again and again into her chest, and every so often pushed air into Artemis' lungs. Sweat beaded around his brow, and his breathing became more laborious. 

"Artemis! You are not relieved of duty!" Again lightning danced around his hands as he pressed deep into her chest.

A cough answered him, followed by a retching sound. Hades carefully removed her mask just long enough for the substance to escape her lips. Artemis lay on her side, curled up in a ball on the floor, coughing. Hades studied her carefully with bated breath.

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