Chapter XXX: Echoes of Resilience

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"Prostrate," He said with a smile as he stood over her prone form, "just how I like you."

Cornelia strained to sit up, and despite her bindings, she was able to do so. She watched him  with blatant ferocity.

He chuckled uncomfortably under the blazing heat of her gaze. "I brought you presents, since you have been such a good little wife,"

Cornelia aimed for the shining luster of his shoes as she spit up the rest of the bile that had been sitting in her stomach and glared.

Gaston flashed her a malicious grin and examined her potent silence and sullied face. He allowed for time inbetween bated breaths to break down her resolve, and when her shoulders slumped just slightly he added, "to be." He turned to the entry way and clapped his hands in a short wordless command.

A girl with wild beauty, but broken eyes slipped into the room. In her hands was a mirror larger than her size, and she winced under its weight as she stumbled across the broken stone floor to place it in front of Gastonus. 

Cornelia watched in wonder as the woman slipped into the shadows and behind the mirror, seen but unseen. The golden creature seemed to occupy the hidden spaces of the room, always watching Gastonus with a baleful expression. Despite her efforts of concealment, the girl's aura filled the room with effervescent energy and light that was like a cold drink of water to Cornelia's parched emotions. The subtle beauty of her masterfully curled locks, and painted face reminded Cornelia of a gentler time.

As Gastonus continued to marvel at his reflection, the servant girl hovered around him. Her movements were not of a scared or beaten girl, but of one lost to the illness of unrequited love.

"Echo?" Gastonus called out.

"Echo?" She perked up as he addressed her.

"Aren't I gorgeous, darling?"

"Gorgeous, darling?" She replied, stroking his arm.

"look at my excellent form!" He turned and squared up with the mirror, unable to look away.

"Excellent form," Echo agreed.

What in this world? Cornelia was baffled by the scene in front of her. How could she be so besotted with him? Has Gastonus had broken this poor blonde girl so completely she does not have a thought for herself?

His voice eroded her thoughts as he called to her from his machiavellian position, "Cornelia, am I not most generous?" He boasted as he leaned in to check his teeth as his tongue passed across them. A flippant gesture behind him indicated he was speaking of the lavishly decorated room.

"Most generous," The fragile female agreed with unexpected exuberance. Her blonde curls bounced around her caramel-colored skin.

"Echo, My betrothed, Cornelia, must be readied for my big day. I will not be seen with such filth when we consummate our contract. I will have only the best."

"Only the best," Echo nodded as she flashed Cornelia an encouraging smile. 

Cornelia's stomach rolled, Echo turned toward her and rested a gentle hand on her face. Her may green eyes held a light twinkle and a look of forlorn pity. Though Cornelia could not tell who the pity was for. A sigh escapedher lips as Echo's fingers cupped her face. The lovely girl's  touch was tender like spring grass on her bare feet. Cornelia felt the press of petals in her palm, and as she looked down she realized the young woman had gifted her a perfectly vibrant yellow narcissus.  

"Echo the oil on my bulging arms." His statement was both a command and a request.

"Bulging arms!" Echo hurried over to him and opened the stopper on a small vial as she massaged his biceps. 

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