(Random 4) A little sneak peek...

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So I'm going to start a book called the Dimensional Defenders and it will be my main story. It's about many video game heroes uniting to defeat a multiversal threat, AKA the World Devourers. Also, I started writing this on my Google Keep WAY before I wrote Umdertale: The Blue Blur.
Here is the sneak peek.

Sonic's POV

I ran, rain pouring, thunder clashing.
I was nearly away from those- those THINGS!
They kidnapped everyone, and I was overwhelmed by the sheer numbers!
They looked like Dark Gaia enemies, but when I had a good look at they were... Different.
Alien somehow. I watched as others had their souls ripped out.
Their agonizing cries haunt me.
I couldn't save them.
I pressed on against the storm. It was getting worse as I trekked across the energy drained planet.
The starry night sky lacked life, making me wonder where my friends where.
I stopped, exhausted.
They could come for me any time now.
I lay down in a cave nearby as a sigh escaped my lips.
I was starting to relax, my tenseness melting away but a warp ring opened up right next to me!
I perked my ears up.
Hearing the sudden whoosh sound, I was grabbed by a green, chaos based dragon like hand.
Thrashing about, I was dragged into a pool of swirling purple and orange energy...

Sonic- See? This is what author-Chan has been working on!!!

RANDOMNESS BOOK!!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat