(Random 31) Warm Ups

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I read a Writing Tips book and it says that writing a little thing first is a good idea because it'll get you into the mood for writing! And, because it said writing in a diary or journal could also work, I thought 'Why not write something random in my Randomness book?' So here you go! XD


Flowers push and shove trying to make there way out of the bud they have been sleeping in, and little chicks poke out of their little eggs that kept them safe.

New life is blooming everywhere like blossoms.

Signaling a new day.

Annnnnnnd done. That was random, and because I'm listening to 8 bit Blossoms and it's Spring, I thought 'Why not do something in Spring!' And Youtube's autoplay just turned on Drown it Out for me as soon as I stopped writing. Great timing and great song.

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