(Random 82) Dual...?

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Near the start(?) of this year, my sister had a Vocaloid- Monster Hunter RP in Monster Hunter Generations demo (we only have one game card lol) and I realized this:

Because dual swords are normally my main weapon and Len has a sister, I gave Len the dual swords. (Rin got a long sword I think, but I joked about her being Gakupo XD)

Then I realized how well they fit. I also gave Len the insect glaive for... some reason.

And then, a month ago I found the song Chance To Win-Frontlines, and realised Len was using dual pistols. (And in my first ever Fortnite game yesterday I got legendary dual pistols-)

So I guess any dual weapons would work with Len?
Rin got a bazooka, so... (Or was it a rocket launcher?)

Here's the song:

It's a good song by Wonderful☆Opportunity.

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