(Tag 5) Wth do I do for random 100???

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I was tagged again few hours ago
And I don't know what to do for my 100th Random chapter
Help meh

Anyway, onto the tag

1. Mention who tagged you (Of course)
Tagged by: bookwormwriter1435

2. Do it in 3 days


3. State 10 facts about yourself


I was going to do this for Random 100

But Bookworm tagged me


1. I can read a full manga in an hour or two. And I just finished 4 manga in a day and 8 in 3 days lol

2. I'm short sighted and my power is -8.5 on my right eye and -9 on my left. (-850 I think and -900) it's because both my parents are short sighted, and apparently Asians are more likely to be short sighted. *sighs*

Luckily my sister has eagle eyes XD

3. I pronounce Kaito incorrectly:

I pronounce his name as 'Kay-to' instead of 'Kite-to'.

I pronounce Meiko as 'May-ko'

And I pronounce 'Hachune' as 'Hush-soon' because I can't even prouncounce a wrongly pronounced Hatsune-

4. Sonic for life. Okay, no, the actual fact is that I've been a Sonic fan since I was 4-6 I think. So yeah, I've been in the fandom for a long time.

5. When I type fast, I smash the keyboard, making it sound like I'm trying to break it according to my friend, kenmaHQ.
I probably type that fast because I play piano.
I can type fast with just one hand, too.

6. I have a book filled with cringe drawings from 2016-2017. If you want me to show the best ones for the 100th Random, I will as I'm letting you readers pick anything, but yeah.
It was inspired when I saw one of my friends (a boy everyone shipped me with-) drawing weapons in a book, and I wanted to do that with KI:U weapons. Then it evolved into... weirdness. And it is also where Undertale: The Blue Blur originated as well. With old concept arts of the ending. 😅

7. I really can't tolerate the cold, and thus I always wear something warm unless it's, like, 30 degrees celcius outside. R.I.P the people who live in warmer countries. Anyway, I mostly wear a magenta jacket and rarely a Sonic cap/hat, so... yeah.

8. I hide the Fandoms I'm in a lot, but now I'm starting to be more open.

9. I am Asian, so liking Vocaloid isn't weird (hopefully, because I've never been out of New Zealand.)

10. I love small bugs and small spiders that I can carry in my hands. And moths.


4. Tag 24 people

I don't know that many people
I'm sorry who I tag-


I hope that's enough.

5. Tell a joke

For Evillious Chronicles fans:

I think Sickle is Bi.

Have you listened to the bi-Sickle song? (Bicycle)

Get it? I don't even think he can love someone being the Sun God, but idc.

Len joke I found online when I was bored:

and sadly contact lenses irritate my eyes

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...and sadly contact lenses irritate my eyes.

Okay, normal joke:
When your friends are planting new trees, leaf them alone.
Kill me plz-

Ahem, anyway...

6. Spoil one of your stories

Book I've read: Major spoilers for Kagerou Daze:
And this is the ending:

My own book: Obvious spoiler that will (hopefully) be revealed on the next chapter Kagamine Ink: the shadowy skeleton is, indeed, the God of Destruction himself; Error. And Len is secretly- (Blocked out because this is important-ish to the plot)

8. Add the tag rules
...the tagger didn't add any...

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